London Police Boss Defends Deputy Who Hid in Car During Westminster Attack, Says He Led Response ‘With Distinction’ – IOTW Report

London Police Boss Defends Deputy Who Hid in Car During Westminster Attack, Says He Led Response ‘With Distinction’

Breitbart London:

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick has defended her deputy after he was roundly condemned for staying in his car with the doors locked during the Westminster terror attack.

Sir Craig Mackey, who was Acting Commissioner at the time of Khalid Masood’s attack outside the Palace of Westminster, told an inquest he was at the scene when the jihadist struck, but remained in his car with the doors locked and watched as he fatally stabbed unarmed PC Keith Palmer, as he had “no protective equipment, no radio, [and] two colleagues with me who [were] quite distressed”.

He briefly opened the car door after a plainclothes police protection officer who happened to be nearby neutralised Masood, but closed it again and “moved out” to “start putting everything we need in place” back at headquarters.

Sir Craig’s conduct has been roundly condemned by Police Federation representatives, retired officers, and serving officers who commentate anonymously on social media, with many suggesting he be stripped of his knighthood and police medal or even prosecuted for neglect of duty.

Commissioner Dick, however, has offered strong support to her Deputy — due to retire with a substantial index-linked pension in a matter of weeks — claiming he “had absolutely no opportunity to stop the killer or save PC Palmer. more here

11 Comments on London Police Boss Defends Deputy Who Hid in Car During Westminster Attack, Says He Led Response ‘With Distinction’

  1. The deputy claimed he had “no protective equipment.” A couple of questions–was he armed with anything? If not, he was at least armed with a car and could have run the attacker down. Oddly enough, the car could have still served as “protective equipment” for the coward.

  2. Moved out back to headquarters to start putting everything in its place like get the coffee, I mean tea maker on for the investigation?
    You had one job!
    And it wasn’t locking your car doors.


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