When Grandma Watches the Kids – IOTW Report

When Grandma Watches the Kids

Everyone knows that the rules don’t apply to grandma.

16 Comments on When Grandma Watches the Kids

  1. Amusing but when it’s real it is an absolute nightmare when your mother-in-law deliberately sits your 3-year-old down with a small glass of pop in his special cup in front of many family members and declares it’s time he learns restraint or tolerance or something and everyone sides with her:( Sneaky. but was able to make peace when the kids got older.

  2. Do the rules apply to Grandpas as well? I’m probably far more tolerant of my granddaughters than I was with my kids and besides they get to go home with Mom and Dad after they visit, woohoo! I’m becoming my own grandpa just like my grandfather who bought noisy stuff for us as kids just to annoy the hell out of my parents. And besides he loved old Tarzan movies and creature features and would watch them with us on weekends. And who else but a grandfather would make up tall tales and not quite lies to entertain the grandkids like when he told us he could run his old International P?U truck on soap when we were out in the woods huckleberry picking on Canfield Mountain in N. Idaho and we believed him. My Grand mother was also quite the kidder as well telling us about the time it rained frogs and fish coming over the hill from Hayden Lake during a real nasty thunderstorm, one of my older female cousins said it was actually true but who knows. And we loved it in the summer of 1963 when we were farmed out for most of the Summer to them on their farm when there was a solar eclipse and she took us out into the fields to watch the eclipse using smoked glass to view it. My Grandfather would take us anywhere as long as he was going there, if we wanted to visit my cousins a mile or so away and he wasn’t going there we walked using our shank mares (legs) to get there. Even after 50 + years since they passed away I still miss them.

  3. @geoff the aardvark: That tale about it raining frogs and fish may not have been as tall as it sounds. There have been numerous accounts by credible witnesses of those and many other strange things coming from the sky during a storm. When I was a boy I personally experienced, not frogs or fish, but a rain of tadpoles during a severe thunderstorm, so I tend not to pooh-pooh such stories.

  4. I was raised by my Grandma she was a sweetie for Shure never wooped me ever if you didn’t behave she would grab you by the ear and you’d follow her wherever she planned on going if you were out of control she’d sit on you and she loved you regardless .

  5. Leaving mom’s house one day my daughter chimes in… “Grandma, can I get a sack?”

    Me: Sack? What’s a sack?

    Grandma: Whenever Natalie leaves we go to the pantry and get a sack and put cupcakes, dingdongs, and candy bars in it..

    Me: My Mother!! My Mother!! What have you done with her? You’ve got her chained in the back room don’t you?

  6. My father and mother were both the babies of their families, I never knew a grandparent.
    In my youngest granddaughter’s world there is:
    Mean Grandaddy (me)
    Drunk Granmaw (ex-wife)
    Fat Grandmaw (sil’s mother)
    Nice Grandaddy (now you know how fat grandmaw got so fat)
    Jewel, (my wife) the princess’ seamstress.
    Her father spoils her beyond belief, somebody has to teach her about rules.
    Tact, she has no tact.

  7. My neighbor’s five year old granddaughter pushes her Mother out the door when they get to grandma’s house and she has a full temper tantrum if Mom comes one minute early to pick her up. She say’s “it’s my time with Grandma and It’s not time to go”.
    The little girl doesn’t want her littler brother there either as according to her it’s only her Grandma and she doesn’t want to share. Her Grandma is very patient and sweet with children.


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