Army Secretary: Immigration Recruit Program Accepts over 80% Applicants – IOTW Report

Army Secretary: Immigration Recruit Program Accepts over 80% Applicants

Breitbart: A Pentagon program for immigrants who can bring critical skills into the U.S. military in exchange for citizenship accepts over 80 percent of recruits, according to Army Secretary Mark Esper, contrary to reports that suggest the Pentagon has been increasingly rejecting applicants.

“When you step back and look at the stats … over 80 percent are granted,” Esper said.

The Pentagon has come under fire for recent reports that suggest it is discharging immigrants from the program, known as Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest, or MAVNI. Since 2009, the program has enlisted more than 10,000 immigrants who either have critical language or medical skills.

However, the program, created during the Bush administration, hit trouble when the Obama administration ordered the Pentagon program in 2014 to begin accepting beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy. The MAVNI program was originally written to take in those who were legal immigrants, not undocumented immigrants. The program needed to be retooled and ground to halt.

The founder of the program, retired Army Lt. Col. Margaret Stock, told Politico in 2014, “It’s a major bureaucratic screw-up by the Obama administration.”

The Obama administration in September 2016 added additional security measures for recruits and halted the acceptance of any new applicants. Since then, the Pentagon has been working on reducing a backlog of thousands who were grandfathered into the program and awaiting their background checks.

However, a slew of reports this year have suggested that recruits are being dropped from the program as part of the Trump administration’s anti-immigration stance.

But Pentagon officials say rejections from the program have nothing to do with immigration and have to do with national security. MORE

8 Comments on Army Secretary: Immigration Recruit Program Accepts over 80% Applicants

  1. In my stint in the US Army there were quite a few immigrants in my company in Fort Jackson and Fort Gordon. I was one. That’s how we became American citizens. Two years in the Service, four years Reserve, and you were eligible to apply for Citizenship. Me? I spent four years active, 60 to 64, the Cold War:Bay of Pigs, 4/61, Berlin Wall, 8/61, Cuban Missile Crisis, 10/62, and the murder of President Kennedy 11/63. Those were hairy times my friends, but it beat going to Vietnam. I got out in 1964 and became a citizen in November of that year. That’s how immigrants became American citizens, among the working class, back then. But things sure have changed. Among my immigrant friends in the Army, “yearning to be Americans.” were two Irishmen, two Italians, three Germans, and a Cuban, an anti Castro Cuban. Great guy. That’s the way it was
    kids back in the day.

  2. And take this history lesson from an immigrant:
    There are not 57 States. Barack.
    And The Japanese did not “drop a bomb” on Pearl Harbor, as Obama told you, they attacked Pearl Harbor at 8am on a Sunday morning when most man were either in church, asleep, or having breakfast.
    It was Harry Truman who dropped a fucking big bomb on them years later, Barack.
    BTW. Where is Barack these days?

  3. Thank you for your service Moe Tom. And I’m happy to welcome you as you have earned American citizenship the hard way. I took the easy route and was born into it.

    But the people obama chose to infiltrate our military aren’t pro Americans, but just the opposite.

  4. PNenry. Thank you. But the murdering motherfucker Hassan, never liked America. And the PC scumbags in the Army, the Pentagon, wherever?
    didn’t and don’t, give a shi
    The immigrants I spoke of who became US Citizens after passing a police and health test. Just tonight on TV there was a report of a “mysterious disease” invading America? What the fuck is going on?


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