DON’T FENCE ME IN – Roy Rogers and 🐴 Trigger – IOTW Report

DON’T FENCE ME IN – Roy Rogers and 🐴 Trigger

23 Comments on DON’T FENCE ME IN – Roy Rogers and 🐴 Trigger

  1. On second thought, we don’t need no stink-in’ fence, bring the boys home to protect our borders. Be ‘our’ home police. Why not? It’s already in the budget, democratic objections are meaningless, 0% cost. Easy MAGA

  2. on Saturday mornings I always made sure to watch Roy & Dale, Pat Brady & Nellie Bell …. Trigger, Bullet …

    … remember a lot of the RR serials w/ Gabby Hayes too

    man, I’m really dating myself!

  3. @MJA – What, no Trigger warning? (Ba-dump-TISSSH!)

    @Μολων Λαβε – You and me both! I was a Hopalong Cassidy (William Boyd) fan, myself, but I sure did like watching RR and everybody at the Double R Bar Ranch.

  4. My Cousins lived next to the Museum in Apple Valley, and I’d go in there as a kid and hang out with Dale She was awesome and patient. When Dale told me she was closing the Museum I was really worried about Stuffed Trigger, but she Promised to make sure he would be OK. I was about 7 years.

  5. @Uncle Al ~ the greatest time to be a kid. Hopalong & his horse Topper, the Cisco Kid & Pancho, Roy, the Lone Ranger, Tales of the Texas Rangers, Law Man, Wyatt Earp, Paladin … even Sky King w/ Will & Penny

  6. This is the kind of cowboy music that’s played on Ranger Doug’s (of Riders In The Sky fame along with his sidekick Sidemeat AKA Too Slim) classic cowboy corral on XM 59 every Sat. night at 6 PM Pacific time (9 PM Eastern) and repeats on Sunday mornings at 6 AM Pacific which is when I listen to start my Sundays. Great music, I too am glad that I grew up back in the 50’s and 60’s when cowboy movies and Westerns were King. How can you not like Roy Rogers, Gene Autry etc.? TCM plays B westerns early Sat. mornings at about 5 AM or so Pacific time followed by cheesy old cliffhanger serials which is currently Mandrake the Magician from 6:30-7 AM. Good stuff Maynard, great for old guys, anathema to millennials and snowflakes.

  7. @geoff the aardvark — Very many thanks for the lineup!

    Cute story: When our daughter — who we adopted from China as a baby — was ten years old we had the great blessing of being able to do a road trip of the desert southwest. While in the Grand Canyon, we picked up the Riders in the Sky CD with all their hits, including “Don’t Fence Me In.” But our daughter’s favorite grew to be “Cattle Call.” As we were on the road for over a month, we played that CD over and over again — it is just perfect for a road trip. And, believe me, there is nothing funnier than watching and hearing a very Chinese-looking, all-American girl, natural mimic, perfecting the yodeling refrains in Cattle Call.

  8. geoff the aardvark — Oh? I’ll have to listen to it. Thanks!

    Geoff C. just brought that Riders in the Sky CD in from my car. I forgot it was in there. Love that music!

    When we were in Jackson, Wyoming some years ago (another road trip), we lucked on to a chuck wagon dinner just outside town and had the surprising treat of being entertained by a seven time world fiddle champion. Our daughter was only about three at the time, but something about that fiddler must have impressed her because she later became a founding member of her high school’s fiddle group — an offshoot of the orchestra. She enjoyed playing (mostly) American fiddle classics very much.

  9. I’ve seen Riders In The Sky twice once with my 2 oldest kids 30 yrs. ago this Summer at a folk festival at a local college. My son who was 6 a the time got asked a question by Woody Paul, the King of the cowboy fiddlers how old he was and what he wanted to be when he grew up. Thomas told him he was 6 and wanted to be 7 when he grew up. He still has a Riders In the Sky star shaped badge that they signed for him. And my Dad and I went to one of their concerts at the Met Theater in downtown Spokane about 10 yrs. or so ago when he was in late 70’s, he really enjoyed it. I love the old cowboy music and Westerns including B Westerns that my generation grew up with back in a more innocent age 50 + years ago. It’s too bad that we’ve gotten away from that heritage but it will never die because most Americans are just too damn independent to forget our pioneering past, at least I hope so. I’m also going to try to get both my granddaughters to like it as well, my oldest granddaughter Dylan I believe will like it because her dad likes the old music and Country and Western as well and my daughter in law is from Winthrop, Wa., a small little town in the Methow valley with a Western heritage so it’s all good and my other granddaughter lives in Nashville with my daughter and her husband which is a good thing as well.

  10. That fiddler wasn’t by chance Kevin Burke from Portland, Or. was it? I saw him once at a very small bluegrass concert on the Pend Oreille River at Usk. Wa. about 40 yrs. ago. He is one of the best fiddlers in the world, you can hear him playing on Arlo Guthrie’s album from the 1973 The Last Of The Brooklyn Cowboys which I highly recommend to anyone who likes good music. Arlo Guthrie also has an album of traditional cowboy songs called Son of the Wind from 1992 which is a great album of old cowboy songs.

  11. In ’52 my folks took a vacation in the West to visit their families (Mom NoCal, Dad SoCal). My Dad’s Dad took us to Knott’s Berry Farm. That night in their small outdoor theater in Ghost Town I heard Roy and the Sons of the Pioneers!
    1 of the sons he sang was written by them, but made famous 4 years earlier by V. Monroe “Ghost Riders”, If I live to be 150 I will never forget that day + night.

    Mom’s Dad took us fishing at Yosemite. Yes you could fish there 56 years ago! Cooked the tis on a Coleman stove.

  12. Fun facts: Mr. Vixen went to HS with Woody Paul of Riders in the Sky fame and they still keep in touch. My daughter had hoped to hire Woody to play the “Tennessee Waltz” at her wedding a couple years ago, but he was on tour at the time. Would’ve been super cool, for sure. Woody attended Vanderbilt and has a Ph.D. in Theoretical Plasma Physics from MIT. The character “Sheriff Woody” in “Toy Story” is patterned after Woody Paul.


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