10,000 Illegal Alien Caravan Traveling to U.S. Southern Border; What President Trump Must Do To Protect Our Border – IOTW Report

10,000 Illegal Alien Caravan Traveling to U.S. Southern Border; What President Trump Must Do To Protect Our Border

Conservative Treehouse: Despite media claims to the contrary, elected Mexican officials previously promised to allow the invasion of Central American migrants. There is a history here.

The heavily financed horde of Central American migrants has overwhelmed the token resistance from Mexican military and advanced north toward the Southern U.S. border.  As described by the Associated Press today: “growing army of migrants resumes march toward US.”  This is a well financed, well organized, left-wing political operation strategically timed to reach the U.S. border and coincide with the 2018 mid-term election.

Estimates as to the number of economic migrants varies between 7,000 to 10,000 and the numbers are growing fast as they are now facilitated by, and joined by, ideological comrades within Mexico.   The ‘invasion force’ is now more than two-miles long. The group claims to be fleeing violence in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, yet the group has deployed violence against Mexican officials who are vastly outnumbered.

President Trump has requested that Mexican officials stop the advancement of the massive group and praised any efforts therein.  However, it appears there is a disconnect between what actions U.S. officials think is happening – and the actual advancement on the ground.  Those marching toward the U.S. are no longer finding any resistance.

As explained in a USA Today review: “Sunday the crowd was large and the mood mostly ecstatic. Olivin Castellanos, 58, a truck driver and mason from Villanueva, Honduras, said he took a raft into Mexico. He hopes to work in construction in the United States.”  “No one will stop us, only God,” he said. “We knocked down the door and we continue walking.”  more


From Front PageMag:

The Migrant Caravan Invasion

What our president must do to seal the border.

A federal court has held that the Posse Comitatus Act “makes unlawful the use of federal military troops in an active role of direct law enforcement by civil law enforcement officers,” which includes “arrest; seizure of evidence; search of a person; search of a building; investigation of crime; interviewing witnesses; pursuit of an escaped civilian prisoner; search of an area for a suspect or other like activities.” Military personnel can do little more than maintain border fences and vehicles and perhaps also assist with surveillance, including in connection with drugs smuggling, if the Posse Comitatus Act is interpreted as restrictively as open borders proponents are likely to advocate in court.

However, repelling an organized force of unvetted migrants, who may include terrorists and foreign criminal gang members, from entering this country in the first place is not simply civil domestic law enforcement. It is a military response to a genuine threat to U.S. territorial sovereignty and national security originating from foreign territories. The military response would be directed by the president of the United States who is vested with the constitutional authority of commander in chief. The president would be using the military to implement the constitutional mandate of Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution that the “United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion.”  KEEP READING


34 Comments on 10,000 Illegal Alien Caravan Traveling to U.S. Southern Border; What President Trump Must Do To Protect Our Border

  1. So last week I read about an F-16 that was destroyed, shot up by another F-16 on the ground. Apparently, Private SNAFU was servicing the F-16 that did the shooting.

    I don’t see why a similar whoops moment couldn’t occur with regard to this caravan of cunts.

    Oh nos! The predator drone just went haywire!

  2. Escort these needy people directly to NYC and let them deal with it. The left will know how to take care of the problem as they always have untested ideas and work arounds. Maybe then they’ll change their dim minds on building a wall. SAR

  3. We have the most powerful military force the world has ever known. Are we really going to allow our country to be invaded by a horde of Latin American homunculi and their morbidly obese breeding partners? They must be stopped. By any means necessary.

  4. The U.S. Army guarded our southern border with Mexico for decades during the years when the Mexican Revolution was spilling over into Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. This is an invasion of our country by other countries. President Donald J. Trump is going to defend our border from this invasion and show the Democrats how to inforce Comprehensive Illegal Immigation Reform. Build the damned wall!

  5. Lindsey Graham this AM on Fox: “I’m not gonna tolerate this invasion.” Yet he was more than supportive of the invaders here illegally while in the gang of eight with McCain, Rubio, Durbin and Schumer just a few years ago. We’re watching you Graham, don’t f*ck it up now.

    Let us not become the EU.

  6. It’s an Act of War. So, simple solution:
    shoot them all while they are just about to leave Mexican soil for the USA.

    Tell President Nieto/Obrador:
    “It’s a shame you failed to stop them when they illegally entered your country.
    YOU are NOT going to make this OUR problem. Oh yeah: one taco bowl to go.”

  7. This must be stopped or else we will no longer be able to claim any control over our borders or our country.

    If the border is breached without any response what message does it say to the world?

    It sounds horrific but well placed mg bursts might just be called for. These are illegal criminals who are a clear and present danger to American life.

  8. Put the military on the border and let Mexico deal with them. The democrats actually believe this is going to be the October surprise? They are not smart enough to realize the two biggest reasons Trump was elected were the Supreme Court and illegal immigration. Of course no one ever accused democrats of being smart

  9. In my humble opinion, the ONLY way to stop this invasion will be by military force. Unfortunately, the liberals have done quite a tidy job of making ANY response look bad through the reporting by the main stream media. When this mob gets to the border, the people in front will be the women and children, so if we shoot them, we are women/children murderers. The liberals KNOW we won’t kill those people, so they get in and chain migration brings in another, maybe 50-60 thousand? So the liberals win if we actually shoot people and the liberals win if we only let the women and children in as that would allow MORE in than is currently, in total, trying to invade our country. The liberals win if we don’t let anybody in as then we are inhumane and “what about the children”?

    The liberals have this all set up nice and neat.

    It is a SNAFU FUBAR waiting to happen.

  10. @ Left Coast Dan – At three miles an hour I calculated it, would take about 24 days to walk from where they are to the Texas border. Not going to make it for election day UNLESS they get even more help than they already are as in with buses.

    AND, then there’s this! Have you all heard about Hurricane Willa???? Just a few days from hitting central Meh-hee-co.

    Talk about an act of GOD.


  11. A hurricane 5 just formed and it will hit mexico in the next few days. That might hold them back for a bit. I don’t wish anyone harm from mother nature, but it might cause to have to stop. The damage after, the mexican people will need the help, not help the caravan.

  12. It is a legal maxim that those who do not act when there is a duty to do so are equally guilty.

    Mexico, by not taking real steps to stop the invasion is complicit in it.

    Trump should include Mexico in the embargos and termination of the aid which we send.

    Just sayin’.

  13. Ah, the poor Democrats. After a few in the front of the line get shot, the line will disappear quickly. The Dems will be left with nothing but talking points and no voters.

  14. Just put a closed sigh on all points of entry, and erect a temporary fence wherever they go.
    Let them live in squalor waiting on the border.
    Oh yeah, the border stays closed to all Mexican Traffic as punishment

  15. Trump should also make an announcement warning all US citizens to get home sooner rather than later. There will be problems at all points of entry, and if you want to get home you would be well advised to not waste any time. Shut the border down!

  16. Time to make all of the none heard of or known about what we have as taxpayers have paid for. Stars Wars in the 80’s was bullshit animation compared to what s#it what we got now!

  17. “A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, being the best security of a free state,”
    I’m old, retired and part of that well regulated militia and there’s a lot more like me. We don’t have anything pressing to do. Let us go defend our border. We’ll stop this invasion.

  18. Muster the military to the border.

    When the invading forces reach the one-mile distance from the border begin shelling with mortars and howitzers within the one-mile “no go zone.”

    Watch the invaders back off.

    Just sayin’.

  19. Anon – we have the capability to make ear’s bleed and stop in their tracks vomit. Hopefully we will not send AID with the SF Pooper Scoopers detailed to Pelousi and Waters.

  20. Women and children will be in front so they’d be the first shot – but snipers can take out the men behind them. Women and kids drop to the ground, then the snipers take out the next rank, and they keep doing that until they all turn and run. Or not. One way or the other, none steps on U.S. soil.

    These vermin are traveling 1600 miles. They can average 12 miles a day walking (women and children, after all). It would take AT LEAST 135 days to walk that distance, so they’re being transported, not to mention food, water, sanitation, and shelter. Someone is paying for this – find and neutralize them. Someone is transporting them – find and neutralize them.

    Now it’d certainly be ‘coincidental’ if that hurricane made that crumbling infrastructure crumble even faster, wouldn’t it? And all those railroads, bridges, electric lines, oil pipelines, communications towers, etc. just happened to somehow simultaneously be knocked out? Nice country you have there. Be a shame if something happened to it.

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