Trump Administration Considering Policy That Eradicates ‘Transgender’ Identity – IOTW Report

Trump Administration Considering Policy That Eradicates ‘Transgender’ Identity


President Donald Trump’s administration is considering defining gender as a static, unchangeable, biological fact that is designated at birth and can never be altered.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is seeking to create a legal definition of sex under Title IX, a federal civil rights law the deals with education, The New York Times reported Sunday after obtaining a memo from the administration.

HHS will define gender as determined “on a biological basis that is clear, grounded in science, objective and administrable,” according to the memo, TheNYT reported. The definition would define gender as either female or male, according to the person’s genitalia at birth. Discrepancies would be determined by genetic testing, the memo indicates.

“Sex means a person’s status as male or female based on immutable biological traits identifiable by or before birth,” the memo reads. “The sex listed on a person’s birth certificate, as originally issued, shall constitute definitive proof of a person’s sex unless rebutted by reliable genetic evidence.” more here

13 Comments on Trump Administration Considering Policy That Eradicates ‘Transgender’ Identity

  1. The article conflates the terms “sex” and “gender”. They are not synonyms. If reporters and lawmakers would stop doing this, most of the legal issues would disappear.

    “Gender” is not a synonym for “sex”. THINGS have “genders”, PEOPLE don’t have “genders”. People are one of two sexes, or else intersexed. “Gender” is about the usually artificial or, at best, stereotypical, categorization of certain words, ideas, abilities, and things as being either “feminine” (associated with the female sex), or “masculine” (associated with the male sex).

    At the point at which it became recognized that no matter how much one mutilates one’s body, and no matter how one dresses or behaves or superficially appears, one cannot change one’s underlying biological sex, suddenly the talk about “transsexualism” was dropped from the public discourse and in its place was the cynical and politically-motivated rise of “transgenderism” — which apparently requires nothing but proclaiming oneself to be one or the other “gender”, without regard for biology.

  2. Sex is different from Gender; so nothing that is done due to sex differences should ever be undone due to gender differences. If we segregate locker rooms and bathrooms by sex, which is immutable, we do not integrate them by gender, which allows for some male perverts to enter women’s bathrooms based on their own desire to be there.

    Just as leftist cunts conflate “immigrant” and “illegal immigrant” as if they were identical instead of overlapping terms, they’re conflating “sex” and “gender” in the same way. This is unacceptable, because men who think they’re women are not women. They’re nut jobs.

  3. My heart broke yesterday when the really nice and sweet young Black person checked out my groceries at Whole Foods. He/she had an updo of dreadlocks, mascara, the voice of a female, kind of, a mustache and the body of a very slender, very tall young man. I realized that the only place he/she could hold a real job in our area, would be at a place like Whole Foods.

  4. Vietvet, yes there are are intersexed people (AIS is technically not chromosomally intersexed but okay. There also are “chimeras”, people whose cells contain different chromosomes.)

    It’s not PC to say this but these are anomalies of nature, birth defects. I have a lot of sympathy, but the existence of relatively rare intersex anomalies does not change the binary nature of “sex” as either male or female.

    We could allow a third category of “neither” or “intersex” on forms, or we would just let people with this problem “present” themselves in the manner they wish. (Complete AIS “women” naturally appear in all ways to be female and some are actually quite beautiful and the issue does not come up regarding whether they are male. Similarly, XXY men generally appear in all ways to be men, and there is no huge issue.)

    The transgender political nonsense, however, is not about coming up with a good way to be fair to people with intersex anomalies. Overwhelmingly, this is not who are claiming to be “transgender”.

  5. @lawyer: You’re preachin’ to the choir, Reverend. I hate all this PC multigender BS, myself. Like you say, AIS is a horse of a different color (and genitalia).


  6. Specialist First Class Bradley Edward Manning, AKA Chelsea Elizabeth Manning, wants to hear from President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton and former President Otranny about this injustice. Manning has just gotten his manhood (such as it was) removed and is just weeks away from becoming a full fledged something or other. Science? They don’t need no stinkin science! Being mentally ill is a human right. Men competing in women’s sports is a natural progression of gender neutral awareness and progressive values minus common sense. Sending men who identify as women to be incarcerated in female prisons is just a sign of twisted times. Things are going to get untwisted under this HHS definition of sex and gender. I can’t wait to hear the howls of outrage from the people who brought all this nonsense to forefront during the Otranny Dark Ages.


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