Pennsylvania: Rep. Barletta Calls Out Sen. Casey For ‘Hurtful’ Ad During Debate – IOTW Report

Pennsylvania: Rep. Barletta Calls Out Sen. Casey For ‘Hurtful’ Ad During Debate

DC: Republican Senate candidate Lou Barletta called out his opponent Sen. Bob Casey during a Sunday debate for a “hurtful” ad featuring sick children as Barletta’s own grandson is battling cancer.

Casey used twin children with cancer in the ad to serve as a proxy for his stance on health care policy. The ad comes in light of Barletta’s vote in favor of the American Health Care Act.

“The situation that we are going through with my 18-month-old grandson with cancer. My family was effected, I had pleaded to him, to please take the ad down,” Barletta said. “He said that, his answer was that votes have consequences and you will be held accountable in November, certainly didn’t seem like he was sorry.”

He continued, “The ad is still running today as we speak, my family is still hurt, my grandson still has cancer. My question is, could you tell me why you did that and why you won’t take the ad down?”  more


4 Comments on Pennsylvania: Rep. Barletta Calls Out Sen. Casey For ‘Hurtful’ Ad During Debate

  1. In my former life, I was the GM of a private club in central Pennsylvania that hosted political speakers and candidates from both sides of the aisle.
    NOW HEAR THIS!: Every damned politician, with the exception of one, I had to chase down for payment or wait for payment. I always found it fascinating that these campaigns would rake-in a shit-load of $$$ (or more than enough to make payment) at the event the club hosted, but not be able to pay the bill then and there. Bob Casey was one of those.
    The only politician that ever paid then and there? Rick Santorum… he even helped clear the tables afterward.

  2. Casey is a man to whom “you didn’t build that” readily applies. He never accomplished anything on his own, and has been relying on daddy’s legacy since he was a wee boy. Heck, he was elected auditor before making the Senate. He didn’t bother to show up for work more than 75% of his term and still got elected to federal office by the commonwealth. He record as a senator similarly includes being abesent unless a camera is present to spew platitudes into. He’s the absolute personification of the swamp.

  3. Got another ad up saying the same thing about Barletta. She claims Barletta doesn’t want her to be treated for cancer or diabetes.

    Not True.

    Casey is a NPC senator who thinks he’s got gravitas and the respect of his state. He’s got nothing. No one can claim he did anything for them other than that lined his own pocket or supported his own interests. His work ethic does not exist. He’s political chum in the democrat party.


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