Trump: U.S. Will Begin to Cut, Reduce ‘Massive Foreign Aid’ Due to Migrant Caravan – IOTW Report

Trump: U.S. Will Begin to Cut, Reduce ‘Massive Foreign Aid’ Due to Migrant Caravan

Legal Insurrection: The caravan broke through barriers and has entered Mexico.

President Donald Trump tweeted this morning that the US will begin to cut and reduce aid to Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador due to the migrant caravan. He also described the caravan as a national emergency.  READ




Donald Trump Alerts Military: Migrant Caravan Now a National Emergency.

16 Comments on Trump: U.S. Will Begin to Cut, Reduce ‘Massive Foreign Aid’ Due to Migrant Caravan

  1. Get ready for more diseases, murders, rapes, theft and corruption.

    Democrat/Socialist playbook
    Right in line with Cloward and Piven —– “overwhelming tension and strain could be engineered through the overloading of American welfare rolls, thereby smothering the entitlement program structure at the state and local level. The implosion of welfare benefits would facilitate a massive spike in poverty and desperation, creating a financial crisis that would lead to an even greater cycle of demand for a fully socialized system.”

  2. You read about Europe and their open borders and how wonderfully the islamists integrated into Sweden and Germany and France and Italy and Belgium and Netherlands and UK. How can you possibly refuse these Orc Hordes at our border? The numbers are only going to increase as mexican opportunists latch onto the invading army thinking they are going to walk right in. This is the one world gov trying to destroy the last bastion of freedom on this planet and Gods other apple of his eye. This is a demonic invasion. There are few if any “family units” walking their kiddies 2000 miles. This is just another example of jobs not mobs. It is an invasion and President Trump needs to send our military to the border and show them we mean business. We need the MOAB-W. The Mother of all border walls. This is what we get when we allowed the democrats and rino republicans to give us lip service about the border and its wall for the past 2 decades and more. I pledge to you now that I will never ever vote for a democrat or a rino again. Ever.

  3. Mark S. McGrew They are holding it ’till they reach Perilous Territory. A ‘poop’ scooper there makes $185K annually. All 5 of them. Of course 2 are detailed to Nancy.

  4. Our foreign aid only props up the elite of corrupt governments. Those same people then disparage us and rail against the US to win their “elections”. Then they send their poor to our shores so that those filthy, un-educated leeches can send money home to support the economys of their native countries. All welfare, whether at home or abroad should come with the conditions of favourable behavior in exchange for public largess.

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