100,000 Texans RSVP to Trump-Cruz Rally; Attendees Camped Out 24 Hours in Advance – IOTW Report

100,000 Texans RSVP to Trump-Cruz Rally; Attendees Camped Out 24 Hours in Advance


Breitbart: President Donald Trump’s supporters began lining up and camping out 24 hours before Monday’s rally in Houston, Texas, which has received at least 100,000 signups for the 18,000-person venue.

Television crews arrived around 4:00 a.m. local time Monday outside of the venue where President Trump will speak Monday night. The Fox News reporter stated they had seen the line grow throughout the hours: more

11 Comments on 100,000 Texans RSVP to Trump-Cruz Rally; Attendees Camped Out 24 Hours in Advance

  1. Can you imagine if there was a callout from the Whitehouse for a quarter million armed Americans to show up and defend the southern border? It would be more like 2.5M showing up with everything from a wrist rocket and Crown Royal bag full of ball bearings to a Thompson SMG and everything in between.

  2. Meanwhile Hillary and Bill can only dream about someone camping out to buy their overpriced tickets and see them lie, er reminisce about their times fleecing everyday Americans and running the country into scandal after never ending scandal.

  3. AS PJ O’Rourke once observed, people don’t turn out in order to maintain the status quo. Although Ted Cruz is technically the status quo in Texas, Beto is making loud, albeit apparently ineffective noises, and a Trump rally is a place to show where Texans stand vis a vis’ Democrats.

    The fact that in 2016 Trump packed them into his rallies led me to believe that despite the polls, Trump would do much better against Hillary than “conventional wisdom” would suggest. I think that is also likely true with regard to this vaunted blue wave in 2018.

  4. I early voted today in my tiny little conservative enclave and the parking lot was packed at noon on a weekday.

    I won’t lie though as I was shocked when Trump won. Other than blind faith, who can say the same? No outsider, never run for elected office anywhere, without the true support of the party they are registered could has ever done that and won?

    Ross Perot won 19% almost three decades ago under the Reform Party banner.

    But mid-terms are for the faithful. Senators and Congressional seats don’t pack them in like Presidential elections do.

    If normal people can’t see that these lunatics are up to no good and must be stopped then I don’t know what will. Of course, when I woke up on a November mornings in 2008 and 2012 I felt so profoundly out of touch with the people in this country that I never regained confidence in them.

    A lot of conventional wisdom got thrown out the window. One that I wish would come back would be that of the uninformed voter not participating in the process. We have a surplus of uneducateds who are now involved because they are rewarded for virtue signaling.


    51 years ago I was a “field trained” “B gunner”for the m60. Great gun. Just remember only fire for 3 seconds! Gets too hot!

    Sent some Mao Boys to t”their maker” as a stand in “A” gunner. No regrets!

  6. @an ol exjarhead: Thank you, Sir, for all of it!!! I had a friend who had crew who fired one nonstop from the door of his Huey until it started cooking off rounds. I can’t remember now how may rounds it was that he told me but it was an amazing number. A spray and pray deal. Not what you had. The barrel, of course, had to be tossed.


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