Supreme Court Strikes Down Activist New York Court in Census Citizenship Ruling – IOTW Report

Supreme Court Strikes Down Activist New York Court in Census Citizenship Ruling

CTH: The most recent reviews of media presentations for this story (The Hill and CNN) reflect MSM disappointment that SCOTUS has ruled in favor of the administration.

The U.S. Commerce Department is adding a citizenship question to the 2020 census. An activist judge in the Southern District of New York (SDNY) -framing a challenge based on the question being discriminatory- ruled that Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross must submit to a deposition to discover ā€œthe motivesā€ of the decision.

An appellate circuit panel initially agreed with the lower court and ACLU lawyers. However, U.S. Solicitor General Noel Francisco asked the Supreme Court to stay the circuit court ruling.Ā  SCOTUS agreed with the administration and blocked the ridiculous activist lawyers from questioning the cabinet; the supreme court does allow the plaintiffs to question the DOJ civil rights division lawyer.Ā  more here

3 Comments on Supreme Court Strikes Down Activist New York Court in Census Citizenship Ruling

  1. Again, only two justices side with the Constitution. Roberts and Alito put leftist political spin first.. The census is SUPPOSED to count citizens, not visitors, legal or illegal. It remains to be seen if Kavanaugh will remain a Constitutional Justice or be a Political Justice..

  2. Again, only two justices side with the Constitution. Roberts and Alito put leftist political spin first.. The census is SUPPOSED to count citizens, not visitors, legal or illegal. It remains to be seen if Kavanaugh will remain a Constitutional Justice or be a Political Justice.

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