Text Messages Show Florida Gubernatorial Candidate Andrew Gillum (D) Lied About FBI & Hamilton Tickets – IOTW Report

Text Messages Show Florida Gubernatorial Candidate Andrew Gillum (D) Lied About FBI & Hamilton Tickets

Tallahassee Reports: The Tampa Bay Times (TBT) is reporting that Andrew Gillum knew that developers -who were undercover FBI agents – provided tickets for him to attend the Broadway musical Hamilton when he was in New York city with Adam Corey.

Gillum has previously said his brother gave him the tickets.

The information was contained in records released today by Corey’s lawyer, Chris Kise, just two weeks before the election. The state ethics commission issued a subpoena for the records just last week.

From TBT:

The text messages show that, contrary to what his campaign has said, Gillum knew the tickets came from “Mike Miller,” who was an FBI agent posing as a developer looking into city corruption.

“Mike Miller and the crew have tickets for us for Hamilton tonight at 8 p.m.,” Corey texted Gillum on Aug. 10, 2016.
“Awesome news about Hamilton,” Gillum replied, according to the records.


8 Comments on Text Messages Show Florida Gubernatorial Candidate Andrew Gillum (D) Lied About FBI & Hamilton Tickets

  1. The DNC only allowed this douche to run with all his scandals and his crooked dealings we know about thanks to the FBI and Florida authorities because he’s black (HISTORIC!!!111) he’s a socialist and they want 0bama 2.0.
    He’s Hillary and 0bama’s lovechild raised by Bernie.

  2. Meanwhile over at Drudge, the Democrats are going to win everything, impeach & ouster Trump and finally reign supreme over us once and for all. I made the mistake of going there in search of news regarding suspicious packages to the the WH and the two POS, Clinton and Obama.

  3. If this guy is actually winning as they keep trying to tell us in hopefully laughable polls this country is in big trouble. On paper this guy shouldn’t even be able to get 35% of the vote.

  4. Ask not what you did in the past. Ask what you will do in the future.

    See how easy that is! What happened in the past doesn’t matter, unless you are a Republican/Conservative. Besides, it wasn’t his fault anyway. It used to be Bush’s fault, now it is that orange cheetos, racist, islamophobe, sexist, liar, white suppremist, vulgar Trump’s fault.


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