How do you equip police officers to deal with the mentally ill? – IOTW Report

How do you equip police officers to deal with the mentally ill?

Liberty Nation: Those with mental illness and disability pose a significant risk to law enforcement officers (LEOs). It seems that more than ever police are called to scenes created by individuals whose behavior is not within the normal range. While many law enforcement agencies require their officers to go through mental illness situational training, too many still have not. For the sake of the mentally ill and their families, it is critical that LEOs have proper training in dealing with a crisis with mental illness at its root.

In August 2017, off-duty Sergeant Khalil Muhammad with the Chicago Police Department was driving through a neighborhood when he encountered a subject on a sidewalk at approximately 4:50 in the morning. A home surveillance camera captured the incident. Muhammad stopped his vehicle, which was his personal truck. The subject, Ricardo Hayes, took two to three steps toward the pickup at an average walking pace. The video did not pick up any spoken dialogue, but two distinct gunshots rang out from the truck. Hayes turned and ran away from the scene. He survived the shooting after being struck in the chest and arm.

According to his attorney, Hayes has a developmental disability, problems communicating, and the mentality of a child.  more

9 Comments on How do you equip police officers to deal with the mentally ill?

  1. My elderly neighbors and I have been terrorized
    by a criminally insane negro across the street
    for 2 years now.Long record of violent drug crime.
    Cops been out here 30 times in 2 years.Pathological
    liar,diminished mental capacity and violent.He does a
    sexual nasty dance for the benefit of Maria my 72 year
    old neighbor.The cops told us they can’t actually do
    anything until he maims or kills someone…. The scumbag
    negro LL is a “house flipper”.He rented to own to this guy with no background check and no W2 and no visible signs of income.

  2. For the mentally deranged police should happen upon, there is only one way to handle them, although it’s questionable if it’s humane they should be safely restrained and immediately shipped to San Francisco. They can mingle with the flourishing population of others just like them.

  3. As a former citizen of San Francisco I often wondered how you could equip regular citizens to deal with the mentally ill. Walking on the streets, minding your own business and having lunatics scream F-YOU in your face or unexpectedly throw things or make threatening gestures etc. It can be pretty daunting and that was 15 years ago.

  4. The link does not work. However, I will say that in the example given, it is more likely the propensity for violence that ALL musloids and conditioned to have is a far more important factor in this ending in a shooting than the victim of this uniformed musloid terrorist with a badge being developmentally disabled.

    All musloids are, without exception, altogether evil. Only conversion to Christianity can save their minds (and souls).


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