Midterm Polling Wild Card: People Who Support Trump Don’t Always Say So – IOTW Report

Midterm Polling Wild Card: People Who Support Trump Don’t Always Say So

Daily Caller: With the midterm elections quickly approaching, pollsters are again facing an unknown commodity: undercover Trump supporters. 

As the Washington Examiner reports, the anonymous Trump voter remains a polling wild card in 2018, just as it did during the 2016 presidential election, when Trump’s support consistently polled lower than it actually was.

Francis Coombs, a managing editor at Rasmussen Reports, says those surveyed with direct questions about Trump or his policies are often equivocal. Coombs told the Examiner:

In most surveys, you generally get four or five percent who say they are undecided, but if you ask about a controversial issue, particularly one involving Trump, that figure often jumps to the high teens — 17 percent or 18 percent. That tells me that a lot of those people agree with the president but just aren’t going to say it out loud. more

14 Comments on Midterm Polling Wild Card: People Who Support Trump Don’t Always Say So

  1. Pardon the indelicacy, but…umm…DUH!

    Knowing that the LYING LEFTIST MEDIA tilts towards the Democrats sorta kinda tells even the most obtuse conservative that they, the pollsters, ARE *indeed* “The Enemy Of The People.”

    WHY would ANYONE give valuable information to “the enemy”?!?
    We’re better than that™! (heh)

  2. I see no point in polls other than to discourage people from voting, either (a.) because their candidate is so far ahead in the polls that they don’t think they need to vote, or (b.) their candidate is so far behind in the polls that they think it won’t do any good for them to vote. As we have seen in 2016, a lot of Hillary supporters fell prey to scenario (a.). If the candidates are close in the polls, then usually people will go ahead and vote as they normally would, in which case the polls are meaningless. Only votes count in an election.

  3. When I get a robo call about politics….i always enter the opposite of what I believe. Fuk ’em.

    And in the same vein…if the caller is human, look out.

    Mostly, i get a ‘click’…but if they say something to the effect..’you can’t talk to me like that’. I say you called me…so beware.

    It makes my day.

  4. Same reason I do not put trump bumper stickers on my car, want to keep the windows intact,
    Also what is that Second Captain thing all about? Blue background must ba an AirForce thing?

  5. I like answering polls. I truthfully answer how I’m going to vote but always say that I’m a dem. I also say I’m whatever race, age and gender of the last person I saw on tv.

  6. We finally cut the landline 📞 which we virtually never answered. Caller ID showing unknown or not provided. Now, we block unknowns on cell phones. Strongly conservatives, who will never be polled.

  7. If the Red Wave happens and the GOP picks up 30 or 40 seats in the house as well as 7 or 8 Senate seats you may just see a civil war but one that occurs within the Democrat Party between the hard left and the moderates (they still exist only they find it harder and harder to stay). Pelosi, Schumer, Clinton(s) and the rest of the leaders are likely to be hung from the nearest tree (metaphorically speaking) by the moderates that want their party back. You may see the best of all possible worlds with the Democrats splitting themselves into two parties consisting of the socialist members and another consisting of what a Democrat was 30 years ago. If this happens the best thing the GOP (and conservatives in general) could do is not gloat or ridicule the Dems but rather let them screw over each other while Trump finishes the court appointments, the wall, killing Obamacare and continue to decrease unemployment and taking on the social media giants with a view to splitting them up.


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