Field Tested & Motherf**ckr approved – IOTW Report

Field Tested & Motherf**ckr approved

27 Comments on Field Tested & Motherf**ckr approved

  1. TO Larry the Liberal
    Languages and dialects are my hobby.
    “durn” is just a regional dialect variance on “darn”,
    used mostly in the gay, crippled, communist part of Las Vegas.

  2. Now this is a conversation I can appreciate. “Durn it” is a detuned “darn it”, which is a detuned “dad gum it”, which itself is dangerously close to “God d*** it”. “Durn it” has fallen out of favor in Texas, which has turned to “Kiss my mother F****** A$$” and “G*d d**n that cocks***ing son of a bi*ch”, partially as a byproduct of the public schools “No Child Left Behind” program, and partially as a result of Obama.

  3. They left out Stink. As in, “No stinking way!”
    I have a six yr old that’s crazy about pirates, so we use Scallawag quite a bit. It’s hard to say it without yer pirate accent😉
    @MJA -I like Buttonhole. Will be trying that out soon.


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