‘Terror High’ Scandal Drags on Democrat Spanberger as GOP’s Dave Brat Leads in Latest Poll – IOTW Report

‘Terror High’ Scandal Drags on Democrat Spanberger as GOP’s Dave Brat Leads in Latest Poll

Breitbart: Rep. Dave Brat (R-VA) is leading his Democrat opponent, Abigail Spanberger, in the district’s latest poll.

A new Sienna College/New York Times poll reveals that Brat leads Spanberger in the race 47 percent to 43 percent with nine percent of likely voters in the district still undecided.

The poll also found that 41 percent of voters in the district do not know who Spanberger is, while only 37 percent of voters view her favorably. Brat, on the other hand, is favored by 44 percent of voters in the district.

Spanberger has been plagued with scandal throughout her race against Brat — who famously defeated Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor by running against amnesty for illegal aliens, which Cantor supported.

As Breitbart News has chronicled, between 2002 and 2003, Spanberger was a teacher at the Islamic Saudi Academy, a school that has become known as “terror high” for its notoriety in graduating students who went on to become Islamic terrorists.

Spanberger’s school is most notorious for graduating Ahmed Omar Abu Ali, the would-be assassin who plotted to murder President George W. Bush after joining Al Qaeda.  Keep Reading

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