Heitkamp aide caught on Veritas saying she’ll be ‘super liberal’ if re-elected – IOTW Report

Heitkamp aide caught on Veritas saying she’ll be ‘super liberal’ if re-elected


Project Veritas Action Fund has released undercover video from incumbent Senator Heidi Heitkamp’s campaign and Senate staff exposing bait and switch politics to court moderate voters.

4 Comments on Heitkamp aide caught on Veritas saying she’ll be ‘super liberal’ if re-elected

  1. I’m usually amazed by O’Keefe’s videos, but this one left me tepid.

    As much as a mean part of me *wants* to hear each and every Dem say illegal stuff on tape, this one seems to suggest NOTHING of the sort, not even that she’s lying to her constituency (say one thing, do another). Heitkamp’s team sounds like they’re just saying she’ll be responsive to the voters…actually a *good* trait.

  2. I agree with “the good general”, Lying democrat politicians, duping the uninformed moderate voter is not earth shattering breaking news. Heitkamp appears not to be any better or worse than liars, Nancy Pelosi or Schummer.
    The real story is ballot stuffing, fraudulent absentee ballots, illegal immigrants and the dead voting in democratic precincts.

  3. Correction……..She’s responsive to the leftist voters, who through corruption and manipulation have a death grip on political control in her district. This leaves those voters who may disagree locked out of any say. She’s a crooked pig.

  4. If she claims to be responsive to her constituents, she would have voted to confirm Kavanaugh.
    Her constituents wishes were flushed down the toilet, when Chuck U. Schumer called her up and told her how it’s going to be.


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