President Trump invites Young Black Leadership Summit Attendees to White House – IOTW Report

President Trump invites Young Black Leadership Summit Attendees to White House

Breitbart: President Donald Trump has invited hundreds of black conservatives to hear him speak at the White House on Friday. The black conservatives will be in Washington DC, attending Turning Point USA’s first Young Black Leadership Summit.

Donald Trump Jr. will be opening the Turning Point USA event, which is scheduled to begin on Thursday evening, October 25th. Trump Jr. will speak to over 400 young black conservative leaders, as he stated in a tweet on Wednesday.

The summit will also feature several black conservative speakers, some of which include actress and conservative pundit Stacey Dash, former neurosurgeon and current United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Dr. Ben Carson, as well as Turning Point USA’s Candace Owens, who Kanye West tweeted in favor of in April.

A week after his tweet, West met with Owens and Turning Point USA’s founder and president Charlie Kirk, in Los Angeles, as the rapper appeared to start taking an interest in the conservative movement.

Owens, who joined Turning Point USA in November 2017, told Kirk that she wanted to help the black community discover freedom and self-empowerment, and to walk away from the victim mentality promulgated by the left. Less than one year later, the pair have launched their own campus speaking tour, and are hosting Turning Point USA’s first ever black leadership summit.

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6 Comments on President Trump invites Young Black Leadership Summit Attendees to White House

  1. President Trump is doing his level best. If only he got some support from these elite republican motherfuckers. National Review,The weakly standard, and others. Fucking scumbags all. Rich Lowrey and Jonah Goldberg really piss me off. Chris Hayes is no bargain either. Fuckem!

  2. I love the smell of liberal tears in the morning. I can’t wait to see how the Democrats spin this, possible headlines.

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