Don Jr. Tells Acosta That Terror Packages Were Sent To His Family, Too – IOTW Report

Don Jr. Tells Acosta That Terror Packages Were Sent To His Family, Too

Jim, did you or your colleagues take any responsibility for your rhetoric in constantly calling my family Racists and Nazis for 2 years when my wife actually opened an exploding envelope of white powder intended for me?

12 Comments on Don Jr. Tells Acosta That Terror Packages Were Sent To His Family, Too

  1. The electorate, the American people knew what type of family it would take to stop the communists even before I did. You could see it in the rapid attrition of RINO squishes during the 2016 primary.

    Fighters, braves all in.

    Gorram stinkin commies get no quarter. Ever.

  2. CNN got a Fauxplosive only because some NPC thought “Brenan” worked there. Not even an NPC is going to waste a bomb, even a fake one, on an imploding network watched by nobody. But you go ahead and wear that bloody shirt, Jim, just like Jesse Jackson did with MLKJ.

    I know that the Don Jr. thing was a few weeks ago, and thus is purged from your NPC RAM, but you must realize that not everybody had the same short-term memory problem as you…and Charles Blow:

    “Old and busted: You bet I’m part of the mob, because mobs are good.

    New hotness: Actually you’re the mob, and mobs are bad.”

  3. Wouldn’t it be great to wake up and find out that Little Brian Stelter and Jim Acosta both died while on assignment, in a dirty motel room, because of erotic asphyxiation.

  4. it really is an Easter egg hunt for giddy leftists. This will go on for another week before they reel in the culprit they’ve been watching. But Robert De Niro? WTF? One of these things is not like the others. All I can figure is that, going with the BernieBroBomber theory, De Niro was an early backer of Hillary, and maybe he said something about Bernie that really pissed off some young socialist? Cory Booker was an early Hillary backer, too, FWIW.

  5. @old_oaks October 26, 2018 at 9:07 am

    > Wouldn’t it be great to wake up and find out that Little Brian Stelter and Jim Acosta both died while on assignment, in a dirty motel room, because of erotic asphyxiation.

    Only if we can have a dreamy, new refugee to clean up the mess. That’s not the type of work Real™ Americans™ will do.


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