UPDATE: John James’ Ad is Terrific– Mike Pence will return to Michigan to campaign for Republican Senate candidate John James – IOTW Report

UPDATE: John James’ Ad is Terrific– Mike Pence will return to Michigan to campaign for Republican Senate candidate John James

The dems hate this message—

Daily Caller: Vice President Mike Pence announced his plans to return to Michigan to campaign for Republican Senate candidate John James the same day a poll in Michigan was released, which shows James within a single-digit margin against Democratic incumbent Sen. Debbie Stabenow, cutting her lead in more than half.

The EPIC-MRA poll released Thursday showed James, who was at one point down by 20 points in multiple polls, is now only behind by 7 points, just less than two weeks before the Nov. 6 midterm elections. This comes as James has received a list of big name endorsements, such as from President Donald Trump, Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr., national security adviser John Bolton, Florida GOP Sen. Marco Rubio and many others.

“As we surge in polls against 43-year politician Sen. Stabenow, we welcome Vice President Pence to rally with our co-pilots in Grand Rapids,” James said to The Daily Caller News Foundation after the news. “The Vice President knows first-hand that when momentum starts in Michigan it does not stop. The people of our state don’t want free stuff, they want a fair shot and as they get to know me they trust I will always have their back.”  read more

9 Comments on UPDATE: John James’ Ad is Terrific– Mike Pence will return to Michigan to campaign for Republican Senate candidate John James

  1. I can’t believe he isn’t ahead, but with the Detroit area being deep blue, the rest of the state has to get out and vote for Mr. James. I live in a very conservative side (West) of MI, so everyone I know will be voting for him.

    I wish President Trump would be coming with the VP!

    God bless you, John James!

  2. Stabenow defeated her GOP rival in 2012 59% to 38%. That’s a 21 point difference in a Whitehouse governed by Obama. Maybe the worm has turned in Michigan and with Stabanow having a much diminished 7 point lead a hard push by James and the Vice-President (especially in areas such as Detroit where much can be made of Trumps economic success) along with a good dollop of cash for ads and this seat could turn. Good Luck Mr. James.


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