NYT Report: Silicon Valley protects its predators – IOTW Report

NYT Report: Silicon Valley protects its predators

Breitbart: A new report from the New York Times alleges that the Silicon Valley Masters of the Universe at Google protected executives accused of sexual misconduct for years, even keeping an executive’s mistress on the payroll.

A report from the New York Times titled “How Google Protected Andy Rubin, the ‘Father of Android’” outlines how the progressive tech giant Google protected three executives that were accused of sexual misconduct for more than a decade. The article notes that Andy Rubin, the creator of the Android mobile operating system, left the company in October and was given a “hero’s farewell” by executives at the company.

Larry Page, Google’s chief executive, commented on Rubin’s departure in a statement saying: “I want to wish Andy all the best with what’s next. With Android he created something truly remarkable — with a billion-plus happy users.” The New York Times notes that in their farewell to Rubin, the company failed to mention that Rubin was leaving the company after a claim of sexual assault by a Google employee with whom Rubin had been having an extramarital relationship.  read more

2 Comments on NYT Report: Silicon Valley protects its predators

  1. The problem is that these companies have become too big and too powerful. They protect the insiders and important employees because they can. They need to be split apart so that they never again become as powerful as they are today. Alphabet Inc (Google, Facebook et al) have gone way past healthy capitalism and into monopoly control a long time ago.


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