800 influential Islamic scholars from 120 countries to meet in order to establish that Islam is a religion of peace – IOTW Report

800 influential Islamic scholars from 120 countries to meet in order to establish that Islam is a religion of peace

Jihad Watch: If it really were a religion of peace, they wouldn’t have to hold big conferences to prove it; it would be obvious to everyone. But there is an unfortunate reality that the Forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies is likely to ignore: there has never been a period since the beginning of Islam that was characterized by large-scale peaceful coexistence between Muslims and non-Muslims. There was no time when mainstream and dominant Islamic authorities taught the equality of non-Muslims with Muslims, or the obsolescence of jihad warfare. There was no Era of Good Feeling, no Golden Age of Tolerance, no Paradise of Proto-Multiculturalism. There has always been, with virtually no interruption, jihad, everywhere Muslims and non-Muslims have lived in close proximity with one another. Everywhere Muslims and non-Muslims have lived together, some of those Muslims have been violent toward the non-Muslims. Everywhere. Without exception.  more here

10 Comments on 800 influential Islamic scholars from 120 countries to meet in order to establish that Islam is a religion of peace

  1. This would be a great time for them to look deep inside and determine if Killing is actaully Godly, or if they were perhaps lead astray by a Phsychopathic Human who was jealous of pet Dogs.

  2. Will there be security? I mean will there be metal detectors & and bond dogs? I mean. If Islam is a religion of peace that should be a given.

    But what to do if the ISIS types think they are all apostates? Why that would make a prime target for the…. wait for it…. …. Islamic State to murder for the crime of apostasy.

    If the use security they concede islam is violent and if they forgo security they’ve signed their own death warrants. … …. sucks to be them

  3. A famous guy once said, “By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.”

    No mention of clever marketing plans or conferences to prove one’s true character.


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