President Trump Supplements Border Patrol With 5,200 U.S. Military – IOTW Report

President Trump Supplements Border Patrol With 5,200 U.S. Military

CTH: There are now approximately three to four known waves of migrants traveling from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico approaching the Southern U.S. border. Estimates on the total number range from 10,000 to 20,000 throughout all groups.

Pentagon and Homeland Security officials held a press conference today announcing the deployment of U.S. military personnel to the Southern border in an effort to stem the inbound migration of thousands of central American nationals.

During the press conference General Terrence O’Shaughnessy, the head of U.S. Northern Command, said 800 U.S. troops were already en route to the Texas border and more were headed to the borders in California and Arizona. Overall the DoD said they will send over 5,200 troops to help secure the border with Mexico in anticipation of the ‘caravan’.  read more/ watch

7 Comments on President Trump Supplements Border Patrol With 5,200 U.S. Military

  1. Going to be a good one.Hope
    The Donald stands firm !!!
    Give the bully your lunch $$$
    and he will take it every day.
    If the criminal invaders breach
    our castle there will be more and stinkin’ more !!!!

  2. The MSM must be down in their crypts polishing up their POTUS hate attacks. Trump better double up his verbal flak jacket because the lead bees are coming for him…soon

  3. They should capture those illegal Hispanic migrants and put them to work cleaning up the bridges at U.S. – Mexico border crossings. Those places would be spic and span in no time.


  4. Since I’m paying the tab, either way… And getting “free” video “coverage”, whether I want it or not… Couldn’t the Donald send 5,200 pole dancers? Since whoever’s spinning in circles there is just going to direct the invasion force to the command of the judicial fifth column, I’d rather get some value for my money. Oh? You actually think the military is going to engage in military action? Well, bless your heart!


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