McCain Jr. has something to say about President Trump’s birthright citizenship EO – IOTW Report

McCain Jr. has something to say about President Trump’s birthright citizenship EO

Breitbart: Meghan McCain: Trump’s Birthright Citizenship Executive Order Is ‘Irrational,’ ‘Fear-Mongering’.

Tuesday on ABC’s “The View,” co-host Meghan McCain called President Donald Trump’s proposal to end birthright citizenship via executive action “fear-mongering.”

McCain said, “Most Conservatives that I know and my husband being at the top of this, are very strict Constitutionalists and amending it would be a really big thing. In the past, it has done things like abolished slavery and given women if the right to vote. It’s an extremely big deal to even put this out in the ether.” MORE

SNIP: I watched the video, but all I heard was chickens clucking and ruffled feathers. Maybe you guys will have some luck understanding it.

15 Comments on McCain Jr. has something to say about President Trump’s birthright citizenship EO

  1. In the past, it has done things like abolished slavery and given women if the right to vote.

    And the right to fœticide.

    What? Oh. Never mind.

    Oh, wait! How about the right to not be deported, after you’ve been adjudicated to have no right to be here? Are you sure?

  2. Blah, blah, blah….just STFU.

    If your hubby is a ‘strict constitutionalist’….he then knows anchor babies isn’t in there.

    The fact the she is even on The Spew…tells me all I need to know.

    I wonder what she thought about her dear old dad….leaving his invalid wife?

  3. Dad was a Bush/Rove man for 40 years. She is his clone! Most liberal GOPe folk DO NOT know any conservatives. They are acquainted with some conservatives; but they do not know them! The folk they KNOW are across the aisle – Ron called ’em LIBERALS! As do I!

  4. The Constitution didn’t abolish slavery or give women the “right” to vote.
    Slavery was abolished because white men finally agreed that it was incompatible with our Republic.
    Women got the “right” to vote because white men had a massive brain-fart and thought with the little head rather than the one on their shoulders.

    Woodrow “fuckin” Wilson should die – oh – he’s dead.
    But his fucked-up legacy lives on.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Immigrating to the US seems to be viewed by the world as some sort of right; not at all. It is a privilege, which should be based on one’s desire to be an American, not what you may get out of it.


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