Practical application explaining illegal immigration – IOTW Report

Practical application explaining illegal immigration

8 Comments on Practical application explaining illegal immigration

  1. Why have a minimum wage when you allow rampant illegal immigration, it only prices out citizens who obey the law? And don’t get me started on the access to education, healthcare and housing at no cost to those here that are not on the tax roles.

  2. I worked in a lumber yard. Everyday several illegals would show up with a list of supplies their employer needed. They couldn’t speak english so if you had a question they just shrugged their shoulders.
    But if you want a job in gov’t anymore you better know spanish or you won’t even be considered for the job unless you are some other minority.

  3. Unfortunately, we Americans have been asleep at the wheel while we have allowed ourselves to be infested with illegal aliens especially from Mexico. I’m a brown American and let me tell you straight up, I have a massive issue with this as it has affected my life in so many ways. The most pervasive issue, the stereotype. I changed my last name, bye bye stereotype!!


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