Senate Judiciary Committee Releases Full Kavanaugh Report: ‘No Evidence’ of Sexual Misconduct – IOTW Report

Senate Judiciary Committee Releases Full Kavanaugh Report: ‘No Evidence’ of Sexual Misconduct

Breitbart- The Senate Judiciary Committee released its full and final report Saturday into the allegations of sexual misconduct against U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, finding “no evidence” to corroborate them.

The report is 414 printed pages long, of which 28 are the report itself and the rest are 53 exhibits.

The report declares:

After an extensive investigation that included the thorough review of all potentially credible evidence submitted and interviews of more than 40 individuals with information relating to the allegations, including classmates and friends of all those involved, Committee investigators found no witness who could provide any verifiable evidence to support any of the allegations brought against Justice Kavanaugh. In other words, following the separate and extensive investigations by both the Committee and the FBI, there was no evidence to substantiate any of the claims of sexual assault made against Justice Kavanaugh.

The report notes that the committee has referred several individuals to the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation who seemed to have made false statements against Kavanaugh to the committee.  more here

7 Comments on Senate Judiciary Committee Releases Full Kavanaugh Report: ‘No Evidence’ of Sexual Misconduct

  1. A whole lot of people belong in prison including elected officials. Watcha going to do now Sessions?

    As an aside, can you imagine the reproduction talk boys will be getting going forward? Instead of the biological particulars, it will be about deep vetting, background checks and never being alone with a woman until your married.

    Sure glad I came of age in the 70’s.

  2. My eyes are being raped all over again by reading of this rethuglican injustice. If god exists I hope she kills everyone I don’t like, and those who force the rape of live births.

  3. I read the entire report — except the 33 pages of “Dr.” Ford’s peer-reviewed papers. Still can’t believe she is employed.

    No mention whatsoever of Democrat Judiciary members who are implicated in orchestrating The Big Kavanaugh Lie. Grassley didn’t refer any of them to DoJ for further criminal investigation under Section 8, etc. Feinstein, Hirono, Booker, Harris, none of them. And you know they were in on it.

    Looks like Ford’s BFF, FBI agent McLean may be in deep doo doo, though. One can hope, anyway. Witness tampering when she leaned on Ford’s other life-long friend who denied knowing about the party or Brett Kavanaugh. The one who Ford alleges attended the party with her and left her there.

    Gotta get rid of this two tiered application of justice.

  4. I’m hoping Mark Judge, “the other boy in the room”, sues Ford for dragging his name through the mud with Kavanaugh’s. Ford simply cannot be allowed to make her false accusations, create complete turmoil in a Senate hearing, drag Kavanaugh and his family through hell, then waltz off with a bundle of cash from crowd funding. The next conservative applicant will go through the same torture or worse.


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