Jim Acosta got triggered that Trump called Obama by his actual name – IOTW Report

Jim Acosta got triggered that Trump called Obama by his actual name

BPR: CNN pundit Jim Acosta made a fool of himself again when he implied that President Trump meant something sinister when he referred to former president Obama as “Barack H. Obama.”

“Not very subtle,” Acosta tweeted. Huh? If Acosta thinks there’s something evil about Obama’s full name, he’s the bigot.

Like the rest of his CNN colleagues, Acosta has lost all journalistic credibility thanks to his nonstop partisan attacks on Trump.


Clearly, he’s losing his mind too. Not surprisingly, Acosta was widely mocked on Twitter for his latest lame tweet.

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19 Comments on Jim Acosta got triggered that Trump called Obama by his actual name

  1. Some of Acosta’s futire tweets:

    “Trump just urinated. In a urinal. (Not very subtle)”

    “Trump just ate lunch. (Not very subtle)”

    “Trump spells his name T-R-U-M-P. (Not very subtle)”

  2. For anyone who’s ever had the experience of raising a teenage girl and dealt with attempting to reason with some of the irrational hysterics, this should look all to familiar.

    Not exclusive to Acosta but it’s nearly universal with the left.

  3. Meanwhile, Hussein’s next door neighbor Farrakhan is chanting “death to America” in Iran as they celebrate the anniversary of storming our embassy and taking hostages.

    Revoke that piece of shit’s passport or charge him with treason. I’d like to see his communications with Dem officials myself.

  4. Jim, has obviously forgotten the beautiful chant, ” Barack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm, mmmm.” It was the most beautiful sound in the world. After the Islamic call to prayer, of course.

  5. It is way past time to marginalize this hack. But I do love the “Dear Diary, today Donald (not MY president!!!) Trump called Former President Obama ‘Barack H. Obama’!!! That’s so mean!!!”

  6. John McCain was triggered by that name, too. Remember? He was pissed at a Conservative radio host who was at McCain’s campaign stop when during his speech he said ‘barack hussein 0bama’.
    The LSM only threw a fit because McCain made a big stink about it. They followed his lead.

  7. The reaction you demonstrate when you finally come to the realization that you’ve invested every psychological and emotional ounce of yourself into a carnival barker.

  8. Haha! The leftist media are the masters of the ban button. Is there a way to see who or how many people they’ve banned from their unsocial media accounts, the ones that don’t fit their narrative?

    I think this metric is more important than how many followers they have.

  9. His real last name is soetoro.
    He was adopted by his mother’s husband and lived in Indonesia. He went to school in Indonesia, and to do so, one had to be an Indonesian citizen. His Indonesian school records are in the name of soetoro. There has never been any public record of his name changing to otherwise. And I bet his college records, occidental college and perhaps columbia as well, show that name on their forms.
    barack hussein soetoro

  10. “Acosta and his wife, Sharon Mobley Stow, a registered nurse, separated in 2017 after 24 years of marriage.” (Wikipedia)

    She couldn’t compete with his Trump obsession.


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