Georgia: Armed With Rifles, Black Panthers March For Stacey Abrams – IOTW Report

Georgia: Armed With Rifles, Black Panthers March For Stacey Abrams

DC: Members of the Black Panther Party marched through the city of Atlanta, strapped with assault rifles and brandishing Stacey Abrams campaign signs.

In a video posted on the group’s Facebook page on Saturday, members of the Black Panther Party are seen marching through the West End neighborhood of Atlanta in support of Stacey Abrams gubernatorial campaign. As they marched, the Black Panthers carried assault rifles and continually shouted slogans such as “black power” and “power to the people.”


Abrams, a former Democratic state representative, is running in a tight election against Republican Brian Kemp, Georgia’s current Secretary of State. The Real Clear Politics average of recent polls shows Kemp up by 1.1 percentage points, well within the margin of error.

The video shows the panthers marching for nearly 30 minutes through the city of Atlanta until they enter a local radio station.

When reached for comment by The Daily Caller News Foundation, the Abrams campaign forwarded a statement from spokeswoman Abigail Collazo. Her statement did not specifically address the Panthers’ march, but instead attacked Kemp.  read more

25 Comments on Georgia: Armed With Rifles, Black Panthers March For Stacey Abrams

  1. They look cute and so official in those berets.

    If some asshole crosses your path to intimidate you at the pols, pepper spray them or shock them with the hand-held cattle prod. A small squirt goes a long way. Make sure someone is taking video of the intimidation, of course.

    Stay alert, and don’t put up with anyone’s shit.

  2. Do you think it would be too much to suggest Jeff Sessions do his job and go after this domestic terrorism org? Holder covered for them before and they got away with voter suppression. What’s it gonna be, Jeff?

  3. It’d be a hoot if those were black republicans paid by the Kemp campaign. Stasi Abrams, your time is almost up. All you had to do was not look like a crazy idiot. I hate to tone police you, but here’s your citation, ma’am.

  4. The “message” should be pretty clear.

    Don’t get me wrong, the BPs (Brown Pampers) should be armed – but isn’t “brandishing” a crime?
    Maybe not in Atlanta. Maybe the Rednecks should try it? And the Klan (the Klown Klan)? Seems that they’re attempting to intimidate potential voters, but that may not be the case – they may just like playing “dress-up” and parading like fags – I don’t know.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. That puts the left in a dilemma, marching around a city with uniforms and rifles that they claim to find so distasteful.

    Punks that need to travel in packs to muster courage is more of a comedy act than a threat.

  6. @AbigailAdams: IIRC, Not only did Holder cover for them, they were already convicted of voter suppression by Bush’s justice dept.(they didn’t show up for their trial), and Holder got their conviction reversed.

  7. There’s something really strange about that weapon the tall guy in the center is carrying. That looks to be a grenade launcher attached beneath the barrel. I think that’s an airsoft gun.


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