Bad Media Practices – Megyn Kelly and Kelly Anne Conway example – IOTW Report

Bad Media Practices – Megyn Kelly and Kelly Anne Conway example

Published on Sep 26, 2018.

I’m so grateful for all of the media I’ve gotten (except for those that blacklisted me for The Clinton camp) but can we all agree their are a few things that are beyond irksome and downright wrong in basic media and interview practices? I use a recent interview between Megyn Kelly and Kelly Anne Conway as an example.

4 Comments on Bad Media Practices – Megyn Kelly and Kelly Anne Conway example

  1. Kelly Anne’s husband is a short dicked son of a bitch. Whats the deal with that ass hole. Is he so jealous of her he’s trying to submarine her. WTF? I guess my advise to her would be quit your position to save your marriage. Announced far and wide. And then divorce Mr. Micro Dick.He’s a true libtard.

  2. The only way to be informed is to research. You’ll forever be grossly misinformed if you rely on the media. Unfortunately most people don’t have the time or inclination to do so.
    Today’s media does to truth what penicillin does to bacteria.
    They are one of the major reasons we’re in the mess we are.

  3. Notice how the set is staged? Kelly is perched higher than Conway’s seat. This is a tactic used to discreetly assert authority. Conway is an inch taller than Kelly yet made to look diminutive in Kelly’s presence.


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