Maine Gov LePage To Move To Florida In Order To Escape Taxes – IOTW Report

Maine Gov LePage To Move To Florida In Order To Escape Taxes

DCNF: Maine Gov. Paul LePage announced that he plans to move to Florida to escape income and property taxes, at a Monday press conference.

“I am done with politics. I have done my eight years. It’s time for somebody else,” LePage said Monday, announcing his decision to vacate the state, the Portland Press Herald reported. The Republican governor made his remarks at a press conference supporting Republican U.S. Senate candidate Eric Brakey who is challenging incumbent Independent Sen. Angus King.

Lewiston native LePage took office in January 2011 and has worked actively to lower income taxes. LePage will be succeeded by either Democratic nominee Janet Mills or Republican candidate Shawn Moody.

Mills, Maine’s attorney general, is running on her own record and experience, promising a government that will respond more proactively and expand Medicaid coverage. Meanwhile, auto body repair shop owner Moody has run a similar campaign to both LePage and President Donald Trump, alleging that his outside experience would make him better suited for the office than his opponents. “When you look at Governor LePage, he’s an outsider. He’s a businessman … President Trump is an outsider, businessman. I’m an outsider. I’m a businessman,” Moody said at a debate for the Republican nomination.

Independent Terry Hayes is also running for Maine governor.

“I’ll be a resident of Florida if Janet Mills wins, I can promise you that,” LePage said. “I’ll also be in Florida if Shawn Moody wins because I am going to retire and go to Florida,” he said, according to the Herald.

LePage is supporting Moody.  MORE

11 Comments on Maine Gov LePage To Move To Florida In Order To Escape Taxes

  1. Wow Paul, you ran, you served, and now you’re retiring. You’d be better off thanking Maine for the opportunity instead of acting like you’re glad you didn’t get cooties.

  2. So, what’s wrong with retiring to Florida? Lots of East Coast people leave New York, New Jersey,m etc., because the tax3es are too damn high. People are leaving States where they don’t like the politics, tax3es or weather. This is a free country, free means, we are free to live wherever we damn well please. I’d like to leave the State of California, but tell me where the best place to go is and I bet there would be something wrong with that State too. /just saying

  3. Anon,
    He’s only the governor, not God. He can only enforce what the state legislature passes to him. And he can veto only so much. Not being a Maine-iac, I have no idea what his record is.

  4. Deplorable,

    If enough idiots here vote him in, the Left spend every minute and every dime until the next election pushing to get other leftists elected to the state congress. Then it’s all over.

  5. We have a friend who is a financial advisor in Brentwood TN, that wealthy suburb of Nashville. He said most of his clients are Yankees who haven’t learned to drawl yet. There is a huge amount of money coming to TN, also going to TX, FL.

    Now if we can just make sure it’s not liberal money, but considering how they are about excluding their own cash from their Holy Grail of a Cash Cow for the Greater Good, I’m pretty sure I’m being naive.

  6. Paul Lepage came in to the governorship as a successful businessman.
    He did the Trump gruffness before Trump even considered running.
    He fought scumbag democrats and whineyass rinos tooth and nail for 8 years to lower taxes, reform welfare, get rid of stupid bureaucratic over reach, and make the state more welcoming to jobs producing businesses.
    All to no avail.
    Our state has become over run by liberals from other New England states, mostly Massachusetts, that retire here with lots of time on their hands to push their commie agendas.
    Sadly, my state has gone from “I Lead” to “I’m a Loser” in five short decades.
    Lepage has nothing to be ashamed of when he leaves, and I can’t blame him for giving the finger to these bastards that have trashed my state.


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