California Voters Decide to Keep Democrats’ Gas Tax Increase – IOTW Report

California Voters Decide to Keep Democrats’ Gas Tax Increase

CPR: Among numerous measures that went before the state’s voters Tuesday, Californians rejected a proposal to repeal a gasoline tax increase that was passed by the Legislature to fund road and transportation projects. Proposition 6 failed Tuesday after Democrats campaigned to preserve $5 billion a year to fix roads and improve transit.

The state’s Republicans sought to repeal hikes in fuel taxes and vehicle fees that are expected to fund $52 billion in transportation projects over a decade. Their plan also would have required voter approval for future gas tax hikes.

GOP lawmakers argued that California has grown too expensive and tax dollars need to be spent more wisely. They hoped the measure would help drive Republican voter turnout in contested state and congressional races.  more here

17 Comments on California Voters Decide to Keep Democrats’ Gas Tax Increase

  1. I’ve suspected for a long time my vote in California is a formality I no longer should participate in. I think it’s all ruse and doesn’t mean shit. Case in point, the wife and I were delayed getting to the polls last night. Slid in with about 10 minutes to go. Arrive home at 8:02 flip on the TV and they’re already announcing Newsom’s victory.
    You can’t make me believe the majority of people living in this state want to pay that much more for a gallon of gas. Shit the illegal Mexicans would have voted NO on that.
    It was worded a little funny on the ballot and there was rumor floating around that a “NO” vote actually repealed it. If you took the time to read it though it was clear. However I think if they would have labeled “Jerry Browns Bend You Over At The Gas Pump Bill” it probabl would have been repealed.

    Interestingly enough, they voted down rent control.

  2. Brad….The gov race was within a couple points last week! And newsom wins easily. Yeah I think it’s totally rigged. So many people here who should be in jail are running a scam.

  3. With Mr. Open Borders/Medicare For All/Free Shit In Exchange For Votes as newly elected governor, taxes as far as the eye can see, a never ending drought (even God thinks this state is a shithole), schools that produce even dumber graduates by the year, and a messianic allegiance to a green movement to the detriment of profits, capitalism, progress or common sense, what could go wrong?

    At least this election I was on the winning side of one (out of 12) of the propositions, I usually don’t get any.

  4. a non a moose
    My mail in ballot was not counted in 2016. Reason given “N/A”.
    I haven’t checked this one yet. But they’ve known for a long time that the Mail in Ballots are traditionally 80% conservative. We don’t mail our in, we drop them off at a Polling location. Before 2020 I plan on demanding an actual Polling location.

  5. “You can’t make me believe the majority of people living in this state want to pay that much more for a gallon of gas.”

    Brad, you know the backwards thinking of the average California voter, you can never throw enough money at education, infrastructure,the homeless problem or making those fat cats pay more taxes. Their liberal white guilt demands that they give to any and all social programs, regardless of accountability or efficacy.

  6. Most of my family still lives in CA, one wants out, one thinks he’s too old to get out, one keeps telling me I should move back. I left with Jim in 1979 and will never go back. Or back to WA, where we lived for 20 plus years while he worked in portland. I will die here in cornfield country.

  7. Bad Brad, my thoughts exactly. The democrats count the votes and control the process. At the same time they openly break the law and get away with it. I can’t wait to get out of this awful state. It will be my way of voting.

  8. If you read the wording of the bill you will understand why less than intelligent people voted to raise the tax. The bill was written to confuse! A large postcard that was quite clear on how to vote was sent to Conservatives who already know how to vote but none of the people who needed the information were sent this card.

  9. Commiefornia is too STOOPID to be a state anymore. It needs to be a “protectorate,” like in feudal Europe. Or it needs a military governor, like Japan, after the war. Execute the criminals, rebuild infrastructure, make the trains run on time. There’s gotta be a retired USMC General somewhere up to the task.

  10. I’m in California (Los Angeles) and two friends of mine were told at the polling place they need to use a provisional ballot. One of them was told (for the second year in a row), it was because they had already voted by mail, which is not true. Strangely enough they were both voting R. Hmmm….

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