Wildfires Blaze Across Parts of California – IOTW Report

Wildfires Blaze Across Parts of California

A wildfire blazing so quickly that firefighters couldn’t hope to stop it quadrupled in size Friday after destroying several thousand buildings and leveling much of a Northern California town of nearly 30,000 people, according to state authorities. Law enforcement officials confirm at least nine people were found dead in vehicles torched by wildfire flames. A wind-driven wildfire raged through Southern California communities on Friday, burning homes and forcing thousands of people to flee as it relentlessly pushed toward Malibu and the Pacific Ocean.

Stay tuned to Breitbart News for live updates. All times eastern.


SNIP: Please pray for the people and the animals who need it.

19 Comments on Wildfires Blaze Across Parts of California

  1. We’ve been trying to get my sister and her fam out of southern california for a few years now. I was pissed when they bought a house there. I hope they don’t get burned out. As long as CA government greentards are irresponsible with cutting brush and letting idiots (illegals, too) roam through the forest smoking weed and abandoning campfires, no one is safe.

  2. Houses are everywhere down there that didn’t used to be there.

    In WA, developers have built right up the sides of the Cascades. If we ever have a 500 year drought and a hot, dry, 30-40 knot NE wind, Western Washington could experience the same thing. Historically, it’s happened on islands in Puget Sound and in Eastern Washington.

  3. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. says it experienced a problem on an electrical transmission line near the site of a massive fire in Northern California minutes before the blaze broke out, according to the Associated Press.

    The company said in a one-paragraph summary filed Thursday with state utility regulators that it had experienced an outage on the line about 15 minutes before the fire started. The company said it later observed damage to a transmission tower on the line near the town of Paradise.

    The fire has killed at least five people and destroyed hundreds of homes.

    Fire officials have not determined a cause for the blaze.

  4. A lot of my friends lost houses today. Unfortunately a couple of them were part of our Veterans’ Day entourage so the Sunday trip will be postponed.
    I was surprised by this fire. Winds weren’t particularly high but the fire spread so fast the firefighters couldn’t manage all the fronts. Prayers needed, for safety, for resilience, for healing, and for fair winds the next few days. I am in Santa Monica so I’m not at risk, my parents are in Malibu but at the eastern end and not likely at risk.
    We have talked about poor forest management in CA, but this is wild brush and I think doesn’t fit in that bucket. Worst fire I have seen here since 1978 though.

  5. california is broke and needs more taxpayer money to bail them out
    what better way to get it than a fire,a little while ago it was too much rain and dams burst

    california=sodom and gamorrah
    maybe GOD has had enough

  6. Instead of fixing the cause of these fires, people will blame the President and try to to prove they are “resilient” by rebuilding on the same places.

    I pray for those in danger and for wisdom to prevent such tragedies.

  7. As hard hearted as it sounds, I have great difficulty giving a darn about the misfortunes of people who bring on their own misfortune through smug ignorance while actively advocating my destruction.

    This is one intolerant hick Nazi xenophobe who does not want her wages confiscated to restore Barbra Streisand’s 22 acre compound on a private beach, Alyssa Milano’s ranch or anyone who gives illegals more rights than US citizens.


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