Some Incoming Members Of Congress Want Medicare For All – IOTW Report

Some Incoming Members Of Congress Want Medicare For All

DC: The House Medicare for All Caucus could count some new members when the 116th Congress convenes in January, although progressive candidates on the whole had a less than stellar performance on Election Day Tuesday.

Democratic Rep.-elects Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and Deb Haaland of New Mexico and more winning progressive candidates campaigned on “Medicare for all.”

The idea came to national attention because of Independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, who introduced a Medicare-for-all bill in Congress in September 2017, but there’s still no hard and fast definition of Medicare for all. Candidates like Ocasio Cortez and Haaland touted iterations of the proposed single-payer system that caused many critics to question how it would be funded.

Other Democratic Medicare-for-all candidates who won their elections Tuesday night and could jump on board the Medicare for All Caucus include:

  • Pennsylvania Rep.-elect Mary Gay Scanlon
  • Massachusetts Rep.-elect Ayanna Pressley
  • Texas Rep.-elect Colin Allred
  • Minnesota Rep.-elect Ilhan Omar
  • Michigan Rep.-elect Rashida Tlaib

But Medicare for all and a progressive candidacy did not prove to be a winning formula for many Democrats Tuesday night. Democratic congressional candidates Katie Porter of California, Kara Eastman of Nebraska, Leslie Cockburn of Virginia and others lost their races after campaigning on progressive issues including Medicare for all.

5 Comments on Some Incoming Members Of Congress Want Medicare For All

  1. Let’s see … Canada, Cuba, Venezuela, NoKo, Vietnam, China … plenty of places to compare.

    Socialized medicine, like socialism in general, is a misery for those who aren’t the nomenklatura. Funny how all these totalitarian socialists leave that part out of their campaign talking points!

    “If I say a thing I know is not perfect truth; it is a flat perjury.”

    Election through perjury? Why do we allow it?
    It cannot be simply chalked up to foolishness – it is too widespread – it is too well-rehearsed – it is too synchronous – thus, it must be concluded treason – the undermining of the Republic by foul means.

    Again, why do we allow it?

    The pols allow it because they profit. They lie so that they can steal – and then to admonish others who lie to destroy us is hypocritical. They are then hoist on their own petard.

    It’s sad, really.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Along with Medicare….free housing, living wage for menial work, free college, free food, free utilities, blah, blah.

    The Dems favorite arguement…the reason socialism didn’t work in other places was because they didn’t have the right people. We’re smarter than them, so we can make it work.


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