WaPo Reporter says, “Time for a press boycott of White House press conferences”- – – Is this supposed to be a threat? – IOTW Report

WaPo Reporter says, “Time for a press boycott of White House press conferences”- – – Is this supposed to be a threat?



Patriot Retort: Ever since President Trump hinted that the White House might revoke other reporters’ credentials, the Handmaids in the media have been murmuring about a boycott of the White House Press Briefings.

Of course, some of them have been making that threat since Jim Acosta got the heave-ho.

Like this Washington Post reporter:


Time for a press boycott of White House press conferences


If that’s a threat, you don’t seem to comprehend how a threat works.  more here

18 Comments on WaPo Reporter says, “Time for a press boycott of White House press conferences”- – – Is this supposed to be a threat?

  1. Visions of a small child threatening to hold it’s breath until it gets it’s way.

    Wouldn’t you like to be the up and coming cub reporter that had no competition in the room and the Pres all to yourself?

  2. The WH press conference thing
    was started by Kennedy as a four year
    campaign thing
    Which the well paid off MSM
    went along with.

    It has since become something different.

    A pig like Jim Acosta

    How would any verbal assaults like that been treated when Kennedy was at the podium ?

    President Trump is at the podium and he must endure vicious political attacks from a nobody named

    Acosta ?

  3. The biggest difference between the old guard “news” people and alternative sources of news is that they are all affiliated with corporate call signs — CBS, ABC, MSNBC, NPR, FOX, etc. And the only people telling us what great news people and journalists they are…are them! They’re like the awards shows Hollywood cooks up to slap themselves on the back — Oscars, Emmys, etc. And just like Hollywood, they’ve really changed. Used to be that a news org had to bracket it’s “editorial opinion”, then it changed to the news being nothing but opinion. Oh, it sometimes sounds like all they’re giving us are facts, but everything is skewed to the Left. Everything.

    If that wasn’t true, could someone explain the Oscar winning movees for the past decade?

  4. President Trump should boycott the media.

    He’s actually been doing it since he became President, by tweeting his messages directly to the public instead of having them distorted first by the slimy media.

  5. Let the lame stream media boycott and let conservative, alternative outlets have the limelight, like IOTW, Aceofspades, Frontpage, Powerline, Mark Steyn, even never trumps like Townhall, National Review take over screw the alphabets and cnn and all the numbnut outlets that are there now.

    Why is this not a good plan?

  6. If it wasn’t for what I see on IOTW and other conservative blogs, I would never know what the media says. With the exception of FOX, I do like watching Tucker Carlson and at times Hannity and Ingraham, when those two don’t annoy me. However, I’m doing my own personal boycott of FOX because they had to be first and called the House for Democrats while people were still casting votes.
    I don’t even bother to watch press briefings anymore because it’s nothing more than a bunch of leftist idiots trying to be the most obnoxious leftist idiot.

  7. “If you don’t ______ , I’m gonna ______ !”

    Oh, really?

    Has that ever worked for anybody, anywhere, at any time in History?
    Except for maybe two Frenchmen arguing over who gets to surrender first?

    Geez …

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. If you can’t stand to act like an adult when in the WH press room, you don’y belong there. I have never seen so much lack of decorum or protocol as there is on display now. Boot these non-adulys out. The caterwauling eventually quiet down.


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