Politico Reporter: Broward County Election Practices Are ‘Nonsensical’ – IOTW Report

Politico Reporter: Broward County Election Practices Are ‘Nonsensical’

WFB: Marc Caputo, the co-author of Politico‘s Florida Playbook, said Friday that the election practices in Broward County, Florida are “nonsensical” as the county faces widespread scrutiny for its handling of ballots in the 2018 midterm elections.

Caputo appeared on MSNBC’s “MTP Daily,” where host Chuck Todd asked the Politico reporter whether he knows how many ballots need to be counted  in Broward County.

“No, we don’t, and in fact, a Miami Herald reporter just tweeted about an hour ago that, ‘Hey, we were told yesterday about all the early in-person votes had been tallied,’ and then they found out today, ‘Oh, actually no, not all the early in-person votes had been tallied. There’s tens more,'” Caputo said.

Caputo then compared Broward County’s election office to Alice in Wonderland talking to the caterpillar, adding that the county’s electoral system becomes “nonsensical.”  more

14 Comments on Politico Reporter: Broward County Election Practices Are ‘Nonsensical’

  1. She’s incompetent and despicable.

    But just as significant is the fact that whoever has hiring/firing authority for that job is also incompetent and despicable.

    And right on up the chain of command, ending with the inescapable conclusion that the majority of the voters of Broward County are incompetent and despicable, too.

  2. I am supposing Stripes is a Common Core Math advocate.

    ‘# of registered voters minus # of votes = whatever the hell I say are the # of votes left to be counted. My crew is working overtime making new ballots.’

  3. I’d really like to know what happened in the smoke-filled backroom deal that caused Jebbie to appoint this arrogant bitch in 2003 to replace her friend Oliphant and for years has forced Rick Scott and his underling bureaucrats and politicos to do nothing about her either (protecting the payola or crapola of his good friends in the Bush family? or being threatened himself? or both?)


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