Cotton Praises Trump’s Asylum Proclamation: No One Will ‘Take Advantage of America’s Generosity’ – IOTW Report

Cotton Praises Trump’s Asylum Proclamation: No One Will ‘Take Advantage of America’s Generosity’

WFB: Sen. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) applauded President Donald Trump’s proclamation concerning asylum for migrants who illegally cross the Mexican border into the United States.

“I applaud the administration’s efforts to fix our broken asylum system. Individuals with valid asylum claims should apply in their home countries or a safe third country, not by showing up at our border. We will not let anyone take advantage of America’s generosity by exploiting loopholes in our immigration system. Congress should also act to codify these common-sense reforms,” Cotton said in a statement.

Earlier today, Trump signed a proclamation denying asylum to migrants trying to cross the border illegally, outside ports of entry. The policy was announced at least partly in response to caravans of migrants approaching the United States. As many as 8,000 migrants are traveling toward the U.S. southern border in two caravans, according to estimates compiled by Politifact. The caravan that has traveled farthest north through Mexico is estimated to include at least 3,500 people.  more here

2 Comments on Cotton Praises Trump’s Asylum Proclamation: No One Will ‘Take Advantage of America’s Generosity’

  1. It’s only a bunch of leftist who are coming to disrespect our country, our laws, get on welfare, reach across the border and bring in their family, and then relocated to red states to try and flip them blue.

    Nothing to see here!

  2. More innovative good! If you seek asylum, do it legally. Don’t storm the borders with rocks.

    What a novel idea for the tired, the poor, the hungering masses….. be legal.
    ….Lady in Red


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