Journalists Hit Sanders For Comments About How ‘Lots of White Folks’ Voted – IOTW Report

Journalists Hit Sanders For Comments About How ‘Lots of White Folks’ Voted

WFB: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) took heat from journalists this week for comments about how race may have impacted white voters’ decisions in Tuesday’s midterm elections.

Speaking about white voters’ attitude towards black gubernatorial candidates Andrew Gillum of Florida and Stacey Abrams of Georgia, Sanders told The Daily Beast, “I think you know there are a lot of white folks out there who are not necessarily racist who felt uncomfortable for the first time in their lives about whether or not they wanted to vote for an African-American.”

Sanders’ statement was criticized by members of the media, the Burlington Free Press reports. They pointed out Sanders was effectively saying white voters were racist by not voting for the black candidates because they were “uncomfortable.”

PBS’s White House correspondent and MSNBC contributor Yamiche Alcindor criticized Sanders’ remarks, tweeting, “Many would define not supporting someone based solely on race as racist.”  more here

10 Comments on Journalists Hit Sanders For Comments About How ‘Lots of White Folks’ Voted

  1. I wonder if any of those “members of the media” would comprehend that for many of us what we think of racial issues does not affect the way we vote, but that what does affect our votes is what the candidate thinks about racial issues.

  2. I ask once again:
    Why is it wrong to vote for your own race?
    I am White, and will ONLY vote for a White.
    Racist??? OK, SOOOOOOO???
    Whites that do not vote for Whites, are most likely WEAK and have that White Guilt crap in their minds.
    Do not feel bad for being the best on the planet. Not your fault.

  3. We had the most racist election ever when the Øbamboozler got elected with something close to 100% of the Black population voting for him. They didn’t care that he wuz Jeramiah Wright´s God-Damn-America-hating, inept, inexperienced, jug-eared, dog-eating, Constitution-stomping, Communist Organizing Marxist Muzlim Mallard. They voted purely based on skin color. Tell me THAT’S NOT racist!

  4. So in other words, Racism is just fine so long as it works in the right direction!
    Facts are just an inconvenience to the Moral Equivalence pushers who demonstrate daily how ridiculous, unreasonable, two-faced and stupid they really are!

  5. Not voting for Socialist / Communist candidates? – RACIST!!!!!

    Voting in Utah (racist white state) for White Male Democrat Ben McAdams over Black Female Republican Mia Love?? – Well that’s okay, its not racist. Bernie said so.

  6. BTW – The Øbamboozler wuz also the White liberals’ Messiah, who they voted for not because of what he actually stood for, but because he offered absolution from the “Sin” of Being White. They still don’t comprehend that they are a bunch of White Guilt-Ridden Asshats because they are more wrapped up in skin color than principles!
    So the bottom line is that Leftists, like Bernie here, simply use Race as one of their tools for the pursuit of power rather than the pursuit of principles!


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