Sessions orders limits on police consent decrees – IOTW Report

Sessions orders limits on police consent decrees

AT: In one of his last acts as attorney general, Jeff Sessions directed US attorneys to limit consent decrees that have severely hampered law enforcement’s ability to protect citizens.

It’s a victory for local control of police departments, who had been under fire in many cities after radical groups like Black Lives Matter and the ACLU helped write rules under which local law enforcement was hamstrung in their ability to do their job. MORE

7 Comments on Sessions orders limits on police consent decrees

  1. From: “Living next door to Baltimore”.
    The lefty jerks implemented that
    crap in the city. The murders
    jumped to put B’more at the top
    of the chart. The Ahole mayorette
    can’t find a top cop stupid enough
    to want the police commish job as anyone who does Will Fail due to
    the Feds’ shackles on the force.
    The manpower rolls are 500 short
    due to cops of retirement age
    running for the door and NO new
    blood signing up to become targets
    of the poisonous city States’
    Attorney and endless socialists’ decrees. That slime have so much
    city dwellers blood on their hands that it can’t be washed off with
    another Noahs’ Flood.

  2. The results of this micro-management are predictable; cops will only respond to direct calls for help and won’t get out of their car to investigate possible crimes. In Baltimore, this has led to a massive spike in violent crime and Chicago’s crime rate is also expected to rise dramatically.

    Just like Narcan, a do-gooder comes in to save retards from the consequences of their stupidity. Depolicing and its resultant conflagration in violence was the best thing to happen to “inner city” crime in fifty years.

    Let it explode. Get the Hell out of its way. Let the mutants shit, burn and kill each other and the rest of us contain it with razor wire, mines and machine guns.

    I want these subhumans to exterminate each other. I want junkies to fucking die. I want children with cancer to be cured, to be safe to play in safe areas without subhumans ‘bussin a cap off in dey ass’ for fun or dropping HIV/Hepatitis needles in the parks. Let the cops maintain safety in civilized areas and let the cesspools burn.

    When you become the victim of a subhuman, you will understand why I wrote that. But I fully understand this post will now receive a possible torrent of hate.

  3. OW….no hate here. There is only one cure for rabid barbarians of all stripes. Decent intelligent people will understand that, the rest deserve what they get.
    Even God at one point had enough and sent a flood.

  4. I’d like to know where all these “sealed indictments” are that keep whirling around the rumor mill. If they do exist then maybe Sessions was doing his job and doing it well in keeping them seen as rumor and not fact until the time came.


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