It’s Not Quite Kristallnacht, but It’s Not The Fourth of July Either – IOTW Report

It’s Not Quite Kristallnacht, but It’s Not The Fourth of July Either

American Thinker: Just days before the eightieth anniversary of Kristallnacht, when Nazis burned synagogues, looted Jewish homes and shops, and rounded up Jewish families for concentration camps, Tucker Carlson’s home was surrounded by Antifa thugs who pounded on his door (cracking it), terrifying his wife, uttered threats against him and his family and painted an anarchist symbol on his driveway while the DC police did nothing to these modern-day brownshirts. This is not the first time they have engaged in violence and threats in my city, and not the first time there have been no legal consequences for their lawless, threatening behavior. Administration officials have now been so often harassed in restaurants by this gang that one of the finest establishments has now hired private security officers to keep them at bay. If this keeps up, we may resort to the oldest tradition in DC now largely abandoned as we have upped the commercial culinary establishments here many notches: dining privately with friends in their homes. We won’t have to, of course, if DC police finally act against these threats and vandalism by arresting these thugs.

In several places in Arizona, Georgia, and Florida — most obviously in Broward and Palm Beach — Florida, election workers are racing to undo the results of a free election, undermining the very basis of our political system.  And they are thumbing their noses at judicial efforts to halt the theft.

Florida Gov. Rick Scott, the Republican candidate for Senate who currently leads Democratic opponent Sen. Bill Nelson by 15,000 votes, has won his first lawsuit against Palm Beach County Elections Supervisor Susan Bucher. As ballots in the gubernatorial and Senate races head to a recount, Scott sued Bucher Thursday night for refusing to allow official party and campaign representatives into the ballot counting area, and having staff members determine a voter’s intent without review by the county canvassing board.

On Friday, West Palm Beach Circuit Court Judge Krista Marx granted an injunction ordering Bucher to submit “over-voted” and “under-voted” absentee ballots to the Palm Beach County Canvassing Board for public review of each vote before they are counted.

In a machine recount, all completed ballots are re-fed through ballot-counting machines to try to confirm the original, unofficial counts.[snip]

Scott also filed a lawsuit against Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes on Thursday evening, alleging that her office is hiding information about the number of ballots left to be counted. Broward County Circuit Judge Carol-Lisa Phillips ordered the immediate release of voter information from Snipes, ruling in Scott’s favor.

Both Snipes  and Bucher seem to have defied these court orders.

Snipes’s operation has so often violated Florida election laws, including destroying the ballots in the 2016 Debbie Wasserman Schultz congressional election, that the governor sent election experts there to monitor it. To no end, it seems.

In August, a judge sided with the Florida GOP in its challenge of how the county handled absentee ballots. Republicans claimed Snipes’ office was opening ballots in private, preventing people from challenging if they were properly cast, according to Politico.

And then in 2016, Broward County violated the law when it posted early voting results online before polls even closed, the Miami Herald reported.

The error was made by a young employee of an outside company hired by the county to tally the election results and a lawsuit against Snipes’ office over the incident was “unsuccessful,” according to the Miami Herald. Snipes also won a lawsuit that same year after being challenged for leaving off an amendment regarding medical marijuana on some mail-in ballots.

In 2004, her office had to scramble to send out new absentee ballots after it said some 58,000 voters did not receive them despite requesting them, the Sun-Sentinel reported at the time. There were problems with absentee ballots this year, too. Multiple people said they did not receive absentee ballots or got them too late to submit them, according to the Miami Herald. Some ballots also had duplicate pages, voters said.

“This is consistent. It happens every election. Every election there is a snafu of some type every time,” Benjamin Bennett, a former Broward elections inspector, alleged.

Snipes is also the subject of a lawsuit, filed in August by the American Civil Rights Union before the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, which questions Snipes’ handling of potentially ineligible voters.

Broward was also criticized this year for the design of the ballot. The Senate race was displayed on the bottom left corner, below the instructions. Some 24,000 cast a vote for governor, displayed at the top of the ballot, but not Senate, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

Bucher’s conduct in banning the media from reporting her operation in Palm Beach seems to have escaped media attention,, but not Marco Rubio’s:

Marco Rubio 


‪#PalmBeachCounty‪ elections supervisor bans media cameras from public ballot counting & threatens them with arrest.

‪How much more will it take to convince skeptics that what is happening in Palm Beach & #BrowardCounty is not a normal elections process?

Yesterday afternoon, Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner ordered a recount in both the Senate and gubernatorial races, a first for the state of Florida.

In Arizona, the parties entered into a consent agreement:  MORE

15 Comments on It’s Not Quite Kristallnacht, but It’s Not The Fourth of July Either

  1. Laws in the United States are becoming “Laws of Convenience” enforced against those who are considered other and ignored when applied to political preference.

    This is called socialism and communism and fascism. Nazi Germany, Cuba, Russia/USSR,Saudi Arabia, Iran, Libya etc.

    If we didn’t have President Trump there would be almost no hope but God’s justice at all.

  2. We all need to pray to God that these evil people are exposed and stopped.
    New ballots have also been “found” in New Mexico now. The courts need to not allow them. If NYC can manage to get ballots counted in a day all of these other places can.
    The lap dog media are complicit.

    Next someone from antifa will be shot or run over and then as they say, sh#* gets real.

  3. Why is no one going after Soros and his evil kids? They’re funding antifa, the caravan, the crooked politicians….
    They are aiding and abetting criminals.
    France has indicted him. Pres. Trump should hand him over and allow extradition as a sign of good will.

  4. God isn’t going to stop any evil on earth, not at this time. He hasn’t in 2,000 years. Most professing Christians have no idea why this is but the Bible could not be clearer in telling us: all mankind is now counted as equally lost and without excuse before Him so that He can extend grace [absence of wrath] to all. He wants to see as many saved as will be saved before the cutoff of this evil day.

    But like any grace period, His extension of grace is predicated on an offense that MUST be set right eventually, and it will be. In the meantime, the heavens appear to be silent because they are. When God speaks again, it will be in undiluted wrath the like of which the world has not seen.

    So what happens here to fix our problems is up to us.

  5. @grool, when Adam and Eve gave up to Satan the world broke. God has His plan but we can still pray that the US stays free for as long as possible. I for one am not going to just put my hands up and surrender.

  6. And there are still Jews who adhere to the nihilistic/socialistic/totalitarian “left!”
    Wobbles the mind!

    Being an Unarmed Jew is akin to taking roofies and dropping your bloomers at a Frat Party.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Surrender? No. If i believed that I wouldn’t be posting.

    Look, I’m as outraged as you. Just don’t expect God to intercede and fix a brazenly crooked election when the most abominable atrocities have been observed by Him for two thousand years.

    Know that He’s taking names for the Day of Christ. THEN all shall see absolute and final and terrible justice in the earth. But not before.

  8. The dems are well aware of the meek and wilting flowers that the republicans are, just throw out the word racist and they’ll cower like beaten dogs.
    If we expect a strong push back we need not look to them for it.

  9. Can’t we just capture him like the Israelis did with Adolph Eichmann and extradite him back to Hungary and let the Hungarians deal with him like the Italians did with Mussolini and the Romanians with their dictator, I can’t spell his name but you know who he is. A gallows and a public execution for his crimes against humanity would serve him right just like with Saddam Hussein in Iraq.

  10. The Left is banking on citizens on the Right never coming together (apart from at election time, which is the bare minimum) to do what our elected officials and representatives won’t. Within the next two years we’re going to see if they guessed correctly…but they already are completely united in very practical and efficient ways from top to bottom, focused on a common vision. We are not… the right is unfocused, fractured, infiltrated and compromised.

    What are we going to do?

  11. They talk about dealing with this problem in the old-fashioned way, but I assure you they haven’t.

    The next time something like this happens, every fucking house on the street should open fire with deadly force in protection of their livelihoods, because they, (Antifa and similar), are a direct threat to the sovereign republic, the constitution, and the assertions outlined in the Declaration of Independence.

    You can dance around this bullying shit all you want, but the minute we start fighting backing back sincerely this will start to do one of two things; it’ll either stop, or it’ll continue full-on. Either way it’ll be the beginning of their end.

    Remember, Antifa fucktards, all conservatives wanted was to be left alone.

    The first section that needs to be reined in are the enablers of this nonsense. And we all know who that is. Trump has been trying to accomplish this without the use of bloodshed, but the results aren’t solid enough so far.

  12. @grool, My state is full of half-backs, people who mistakenly moved to Floriduh, found it wanting.
    They came halfway back to where they left, discovered a truly conservative enclave, here in SC.
    We welcome everybody, just leave your Prog attitudes, at the state line.

  13. If I were Tucker Carlson and had his platform, I would condemn my cowardly neighbours for hiding, hiding while his family was threatened and his property vandalized.
    That shit would never happen on my street.
    We got each others backs, black and white.
    If the cowardly lions could have found some courage, shown up in his family’s defense, it would be another story.
    NAZIs, were and are, socialists and anarchists.


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