Claim: CNN And Jim Acosta Will File Lawsuit Against Trump Administration – IOTW Report

Claim: CNN And Jim Acosta Will File Lawsuit Against Trump Administration

DC: CNN and Jim Acosta are allegedly suing the Trump administration for removing the press credentials of the controversial reporter following a tense incident Wednesday during a news conference at the White House.

According to ABC’s former White House correspondent Sam Donaldson, Acosta and his employer filed a lawsuit and are expecting a court hearing in the upcoming week.

The news came during an episode of CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” when Donaldson told host Brian Stelter that he had been asked by the network to give an affidavit in support of Acosta.

Yet a CNN spokesperson would not say that it was going ahead with any legal action against the Trump administration, telling The Hill that “no decisions have been made.” more here

22 Comments on Claim: CNN And Jim Acosta Will File Lawsuit Against Trump Administration

  1. Acosta will be back by the end of the week, thanks to some federal judge, probably the same one who ruled that that Trump couldn’t block people from his Twitter feed, because of “viewpoint discrimination”. Sorry to be such an eeyore, but we’ve all seen this before.

  2. Just curious, but can anyone walk into the White House and ask questions? I always thought you had to be invited. Seems to me that if you can be invited, you can always be un-invited. Especially if you behave like a dick.

  3. “Especially if you behave like a dick.”

    …in THAT case, @Irate Nate, the ENTIRE press corps would be disinvited, and it would make it impossible for the President to ever meet with the Democrat “leadership” besides…

  4. I wanna know how the Left is getting so much mileage outta their assertion that the WH video is “doctored”. That implies that it’s been photoshopped, or something, to mislead the viewer.

    Acosta’s arm CLEARLY comes down on the intern’s arm, in an effort to keep her away from the microphone. I saw it happening in real time. All the WH video does is zoom in on the infraction, and slow it down. If THAT’S “doctoring”, every sports broadcast in America is guilty of the same thing.

  5. The judiciary needs to be made to know that anyone agreeing to hear this, even to deny it, will lose all access to the enforcement services (very much including “protective”) of the rest of the United States government.

  6. This is only about one thing: The cool kids aren’t being invited to the biggest party in the country and they are stomping their feet.

    Wait until they finally understand that nobody wants them at their party except the Antifa faggots.

  7. He didn’t have his “press credentials” removed, CNN provides those and President Trump has no power to remove them. First amendment thingy.
    What was removed, besides the President’s shoe from his ass, was his hard pass.
    The hard pass allows the little faggot access to the most powerful man in the world and that man, President Trump, has the right to kick the little weasel to the curb, any damn time he likes.

  8. Hey Jimmy Child good luck with the lawsuit. The president is NOT Obligated to have you represent your network at the Whitehouse. This is NOT a first amendment issue. This issue is you being a confronatational political hack disguising itself as an unbiased reporter. GROW THE f UP.

  9. Tiny Jimmy Accosted will file a lawsuit,,,,
    President Trump has been losing a lot of sleep since he heard,
    The President has more intelligent lawyers on staff than Jimmy the barbarian or CNN could afford.


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