Greg Gutfeld Triggers John Kerry – IOTW Report

Greg Gutfeld Triggers John Kerry

DailyCaller: Fox News host Greg Gutfeld got into a Twitter spat with former Secretary of State John Kerry over the weekend that ended with a dig at Kerry’s past.

It began with Kerry using Twitter to criticize President Trump for canceling a Saturday scheduled trip to a World War I cemetery near Belleau Wood, France, citing rainy weather that would have created problems for the helicopters carrying the presidential delegation.

“President @realDonaldTrump a no-show because of raindrops?” Kerry tweeted. “Those veterans the president didn’t bother to honor fought in the rain, in the mud, in the snow – & many died in trenches for the cause of freedom. Rain didn’t stop them & it shouldn’t have stopped an American president.”  read more

15 Comments on Greg Gutfeld Triggers John Kerry

  1. Yeah, the asshole Kerry who tried every way he could to not only leave Vietnam early but to do so while falsely documenting act of heroism to gain medals. He was nicked in the but cheek by a piece of flying rice after he threw a thermite granade, the other two wounds that gave him the magic three were caused by his recklessness with nail clippers.

  2. @ Schwinn Speed: “… Yeah! and their yachts and sailboards too!”

    I ran into a man at the rifle range a few months ago who went to prep school with Kerry. Said he was a fairly good athlete but a complete asshole even then.

  3. He’s just mad that getting rained on was not a Purple Heart worthy hardship.
    Of course if Kerry were President he would have brought James Taylor along to sing about some nonsense as a balm to our hearts

  4. At least President Trump didn’t try to use an Iceland volcano eruption to justify missing a significant memorial service in Poland!
    And at least President Trump didn’t go golfing when he couldn’t attend said important service.


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