Florida AG Pam Bondi Rips FDLE Over Elections Investigation – IOTW Report

Florida AG Pam Bondi Rips FDLE Over Elections Investigation

Tallahassee Reports:

TALLAHASSEE — In an unusual move, Attorney General Pam Bondi on Sunday publicly criticized Florida Department of Law Enforcement Commissioner Rick Swearingen for not pursuing an investigation into alleged irregularities in the handling of election ballots in Broward and Palm Beach counties.

Bondi’s office released a two-page letter rooted, at least in part, in Gov. Rick Scott’s controversial statement Thursday night that he was asking the FDLE to investigate irregularities. Scott is locked in a fierce election battle to try to unseat Democratic U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, while also teaming with Bondi and other members of the state Cabinet to oversee the FDLE.

An FDLE spokeswoman said Friday that the agency was working with the Florida Department of State “and will investigate any allegations of criminal activity or fraud. We do not have an active investigation at this point.”

Bondi wrote in her letter Sunday to Swearingen that she was “deeply troubled” and that his “duty is not limited to investigating allegations made by the secretary of state.” She also said FDLE had pointed to a lack of a written complaint in deciding not to pursue an investigation.

“I fail to see how the Florida Department of Law Enforcement can legitimately refuse to investigate where there is reasonable suspicion that may lead to the discovery of criminal actions in the conduct of the 2018 election — actions that gravely damage Floridians’ confidence in our electoral process and democracy,” Bondi’s letter said.

An FDLE spokeswoman did not immediately respond to an email Sunday seeking comment.

Scott drew criticism from Democrats after he said he was asking FDLE to investigate the actions of Broward and Palm Beach officials in an election that will determine his political future. Marc Elias, an attorney for Nelson, said Florida is “not a Third World dictatorship.”

Bondi’s letter Sunday came a day after Secretary of State Ken Detzner formally ordered statewide recounts in the races for U.S. senator, governor and agriculture commissioner. The margins in each of the races tightened by tens of thousands of votes as elections officials continued counting ballots after Tuesday night’s initial results.

Republicans, led by Scott’s campaign, have filed a series of lawsuits and argued that election fraud has occurred in Democrat-heavy Broward and Palm Beach counties. Democrats, meanwhile, have contended that Republicans are trying to prevent every vote from being counted and say allegations of fraud are baseless.

Bondi also sent a letter Sunday to Detzner requesting that he report any “suspicion of criminal activity” to FDLE, the statewide prosecutor and a state attorney. The statewide prosecutor works for Bondi.  more here

SNIP: Not a fan of Bondi, but let’s see if she does anything.

15 Comments on Florida AG Pam Bondi Rips FDLE Over Elections Investigation

  1. It sucks that there is an entire party that takes the attitude ‘It’s not cheating if you don’t get caught. And if caught, accuse the aggrieved party of racism.’

    And it’s not just one or two dirty players. Corruption permeates throughout.

    And why does law enforcement tend to take the sides of Democrats in so many of these battles? Democrats have been causing LE folks to get killed the past couple of years, with Republicans as strong allies.

  2. Has anybody played the racist, transgender, queer, gay, lesbian, pussy hatted, free medicare for all, impeach 45, Antifa, free college, free abortions, sanctuary city, BLM, hoax hate mail, feminist, and intersectional smash the patriarchy cards? If not why not?

  3. The old “sternly worded letter.” thatll show em ms bondi. She impresses me as a lightweight grandstander who looks for low hanging fruit but wont go after real criminals.


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