Victor Davis Hanson: Progressive Politics Are Not Really Progressive – IOTW Report

Victor Davis Hanson: Progressive Politics Are Not Really Progressive


Some progressives lamented the apparent defeat of radical progressive African-American candidates such as gubernatorial nominees Stacey Abrams of Georgia and Florida’s Andrew Gillum by blaming allegedly treasonous white women. Apparently white women did not vote sufficiently en bloc in accordance with approved notions of identity politics tribalism.

According to this progressive orthodoxy, being female, gay, or minority trumps everything else. But, of course, no one believes in such mythical notions of solidarity, least of all progressives themselves.

White women were expected in Michigan, for example, to vote against a sterling African-American senatorial candidate John James, whose résumé was far more impressive than his victorious opponent, incumbent Senator Debbie Stabenow.

There was no such thing as minorities on the collective barricades when it was a matter of defeating California congressional candidate Elizabeth Heng, first-generation child of refugees, Asian, female, former Stanford student body president, and Yale MBA in her singular bid to unseat a seven-term white male Democratic incumbent.

The outraged identity politics industry has entered the realm of insanity when it screams at the “treason” of white women while bragging that 95 percent of black women voted for a white male Robert O’Rourke against Latino Ted Cruz—while deploring that 59 percent of white women who voted against white male O’Rourke.

In fact, progressive advocates sought to ensure that lots of black, Asian, and Latino men and women lost their senate, congressional, and state house races anytime they were pitted against white-male or white-female left-wing opponents, often with far more power, money, and influence at their disposal.

So dispense once and for all with the idea of the universal sisterhood of identity politics. Or at least recalibrate and redefine minority status as being a progressive of any race or gender first, and, only incidentally, female or nonwhite.  MORE

4 Comments on Victor Davis Hanson: Progressive Politics Are Not Really Progressive

  1. It just defies reason that this insane political movement has caught on with so many Americans. It’s beginning to get frightening. We either get a handle on this real soon or our republic will collapse into bloody chaos.
    Now people will say good, we can rid ourselves of them, but it won’t necessarily go that way. First thing will be the border collapse and the hordes rushing in and they sure won’t be helping us. Then there’s a chance of bigger players stepping in, think China or Russia. Think it can’t happen?

  2. In America they have been in reality ANTI PROGRESSIVE since the first Abe hater Teddy! Teddy said he hated conservatives because he was a PROGRESSIVE in a NYT interview in ’05! 113 years ago!

    When he tried to destroy the “party of Abe” in .12 his party’s name WAS NOT Bull Muse! It was PROGRESSIVE!


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