Macron, the French Obama – IOTW Report

Macron, the French Obama

Patriot Retort: The Anti-Trump news media is gleefully quoting Emmanuel Macron’s sanctimonious chiding over Nationalism from this weekend’s commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of Armistice Day.

I’m sorry, but no sale.

Listening to Macron lecture about what constitutes patriotism and nationalism is about is welcome as listening to Obama lecture Christians about getting off their high horse.

Could you imagine if Macron was the President of France during World War Two?

He’d have surrendered to the Germans so fast …


Actually, nothing would have been different.

When you refuse to put your nation and its people first, you tend to roll over like a whipped dog at the first sign of trouble.

In that respect, Macron is the French Obama.

He is a globalist and a collectivist. And just like Obama finds it unseemly to place the interests of the nation he supposedly serves above the interests of the world.

Nationalism is putting your nation and its people first.

Frankly, any leader who cringes at that is not fit to lead.

And when I read Macron’s lecturing drivel, I immediately thought of Obama’s droning speech before the UN General Assembly in the fall of 2014.

In it, Obama sanctimoniously chided Americans in the same the way Macron sanctimoniously chided President Trump and other nationalists this weekend. more here

14 Comments on Macron, the French Obama

  1. The French will be French. Mostly surrendering cowards when it suits them, at others, very colonial even now. And then, once and a while, they get it.

    Europe – and especially France – will be overridden by Muslims by 2030-35. Not much time left to wake up.

  2. How many Frenchmen does it take to defend Paris?
    Nobody knows, they have never tried it.

    The French have just ordered a new national flag.
    It’s a white cross on a white background.

    Why did the French plant trees on the Champs Elysées?
    So the Germans could march in the shade.

    Where do you find 60 million French jokes?
    In France.

    What is the difference between Frenchmen and toast?
    You can make soldiers out of toast.

    Define confusion.
    Father’s Day in Paris.

    What do you call a Frenchman wearing sandals?
    Philippe Flop

    What is the first thing you are taught when joining the French army? To say “I surrender” in German.

    A British, American and French soldier were offered a wish each by a genie after rubbing a lamp they found while training in the desert. The British soldier said: “I want to be in the Bahamas with a Page 3 girl.” The American said: “I want to be in Hawaii with a hula dancer and a crate of beer.”
    After they were whisked off, the French soldier thought for a moment and said: “I wish the Brit and American were here to help me decide.”

    Jacques Chirac walked into a bar with a parrot on his head and the landlord said: “How did that happen?” The parrot said: “It all started as a little pimple on my bottom.”

    Why don’t the French like the fireworks at Disneyland Paris? Because every time they go off, people start trying to surrender.

    Why do the French eat snails?
    It gives them speedier reactions.

    When East and West Germany got back together there were talks to relocate the capital city . . .
    . . . back to Paris.

    What’s the difference between a Frenchwoman and a werewolf?
    The Frenchwoman is not quite as hairy but the werewolf smells better.

    In a rare show of bravery, a French soldier answered an order from his commanding officer and ran out on to the field of battle – in the line of fire – to retrieve a dispatch case from a dead soldier and dashed back to his HQ. The officer said: “I’m recommending you for a medal for risking your life to save the details of the locations of our secret warehouses.” “Warehouses?” said the soldier. “Sacré bleu! I thought you said -whorehouses.”

    The French Ministry of Defence has just ordered a new fleet of armoured vehicles..
    1 forward gear, 16 in reverse. (The forward gear just in case they get attacked from behind)

    How did you spot a French soldier?
    Sunburnt armpits.

  3. Maricon may not have been alive to shame France in WWII but his political progenitors were there: Petain and Laval.

    Either (or both) would have sucked Hitler’s ass (in public – and, metaphorically, did), just as would Maricon and Obola had they been there.

    We need no chastisement from this traitor.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Historically, the once proud French are no more, they lost their National identity and pride decades ago.
    Their willingness to abdicate their National sovereignty are the direct result of capitulation and fear being invaded by hoards if islamic terrorists (who also supported Hitler in WWII).
    The choice was surrender or be over-run. They have surrendered and now being over-ran.


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