Scott Campaign Calls Latest Nelson Lawsuit a ‘Legal White Flag of Surrender’ – IOTW Report

Scott Campaign Calls Latest Nelson Lawsuit a ‘Legal White Flag of Surrender’


The campaign of Florida’s Republican Senate candidate Rick Scott immediately wrote off a Monday morning lawsuit filed by Democrats asking Florida officials to count vote-by-mail ballots received after the polls closed on Election Day, calling it a “frivolous and laughable” legal move.

A recount is currently underway—Scott is ahead by over 12,000 votes on incumbent Democratic senator Bill Nelson. Nelson has brought in Marc Elias, the Democratic Party’s top lawyer, who has unleashed a barrage of lawsuits over the past week in his effort to swing the election in his favor.

The latest lawsuit asks the Florida Department of State to dismiss state law requiring mail ballots to be received by the time the polls close, claiming the law disenfranchises voters.

Scott’s campaign called the Monday lawsuit a “nonserious” attempt by Elias, who it says is just trying to “pile up the billable hours.”

“At this point, Marc Elias is taking his client for a ride … anything to pile up the billable hours,” Scott’s campaign said in a Monday email. “This new lawsuit asking to allow votes that came in after the election is nonserious, a joke in legal circles.”

Scott campaign spokesman Chris Hartline called the lawsuit “a legal white flag of surrender.”

“While the Scott campaign has won every legal challenge so far, Nelson’s Washington lawyer seems to be content filing frivolous and laughable lawsuits—as long as his fee gets paid,” Hartline said. “Today’s lawsuit is nothing short of a legal white flag of surrender.”  more here

6 Comments on Scott Campaign Calls Latest Nelson Lawsuit a ‘Legal White Flag of Surrender’

  1. Rush is right: The Dems would rather not put all of this time, money and effort into rigging elections. They really would like to establish one-party rule and do everything by appointment. So the fraud will continue until the GOP gets tired of elections, too.

  2. One more Dem Senator and they have control of both houses of Congress.
    They will stop at nothing.
    They need this to impeach foty-five, and convict. Then knock off Pence if he doesn’t play-along (before he can replace the VP slot). Then they get Nan to nominate Hillary to be VP, then Nan resigns.
    Yea Democracy!

  3. Elias, the hired gun MN brought in (to the tune of $10 million), to pop a trunk and find Al Franken’s missing ballots.

    Careful popping those trunks in So Fl, you may just uncover a load of cocaine or illegal “migrants”.

  4. The nihilistic socialistic Demonrat totalitarians KNOW that they’re fighting for control of the whole World! The Republicans, Mensheviks, and RINOs think they’re involved in some weird election-game – that has rules!

    The only – ONLY – rule of War is VICTORY! Without Victory there is nothing.
    The Demonrats are at WAR (and they know it) – their opponents are playing checkers wearing a blindfold and heavy gloves (and think they’re playing fair).

    izlamo delenda est …


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