Women’s March Loses Human Rights Award – IOTW Report

Women’s March Loses Human Rights Award

WJ: The Women’s March has received plenty of criticism since it was launched in response to the election of President Donald Trump, and now controversy surrounding its organizers’ views has cost the group a human rights award.

As The Jerusalem Post reported Sunday, a German-based organization has rescinded the planned presentation of its Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Human Rights Award to the Women’s March.

The Friedrich Ebert Foundation had initially celebrated the efforts of founders and participants in the movement. However, the think tank said the anti-Semitic actions of Women’s March leaders have led it to reverse its opinion.

A group of Friedrich Ebert Foundation members penned an open letter addressing the situation and pointed to organizers Linda Sarsour, Carmen Perez and Tamika Mallory in making their case. The letter writers denounced the trio for their connections to or defense of anti-Semitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan.  more here

7 Comments on Women’s March Loses Human Rights Award

  1. Speaking of anti-Semitic bait & switch tactics, there’s newly elected Ilhan Omar who told voters that the BDS movement was “counterproductive”. Now Omar, who is reputedly married to her brother has come out totally in favor of BDS. The irony is she made the original statement at a…. Wait for it, Synagogue.

  2. For the next Sarsour-led march some conservative activist women should get together, wear full burkas, and carry signs that call for sharia law. That might wake up some of those feminists.


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