Clyburn (D., S.C.): I Never Expected to Hear Dog Whistles Coming From Friends and Supporters of My Colleagues – IOTW Report

Clyburn (D., S.C.): I Never Expected to Hear Dog Whistles Coming From Friends and Supporters of My Colleagues

WFB: Rep. James Clyburn (D., S.C.), the assistant Democratic leader, said Thursday that “dog whistles” were being used to oppose him in his campaign to be the next House majority whip, something he never expected to come from friends and fellow Democrats.

“This whole notion that I’m some kind of, or was some kind of a token is a bunch of poppycock,” Clyburn told MSNBC host Craig Melvin. “You expect those things … to be used in these campaigns, and I expect to hear dog whistles in campaigns. I never expected to hear it coming from friends and supporters of my colleagues.”

Clyburn is the only African-American on the top Democratic leadership team.

As Democrats prepare take back the lower chamber in January, there is a fight over leadership brewing. The Washington Post reports that Rep. Marcia Fudge (D., Ohio) is “overwhelmed” by the amount of support from fellow Democrats urging her to challenge House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) for the speakership. The race for speaker of the House is not the only leadership position that might be shaken up. more

15 Comments on Clyburn (D., S.C.): I Never Expected to Hear Dog Whistles Coming From Friends and Supporters of My Colleagues

  1. When you become a controversial figure due to your consistent race card playing and outrageous statements you shouldn’t be surprised that you have pissed some people off. Clyburn has not demonstrated any leadership qualities that I am aware of only dissention and turmoil so why the surprise?
    Oh yeah, there are some dog whistles that only dogs can hear.

  2. I’m surprised Clyburn isn’t speaker of the house after his constituents and the the rest of the SC citizenry was fleeced of millions of dollars on the defunct James C. Clyburn Transportation Center. That’s the kind of leadership the Dems love. Outright theft.

  3. If they don’t get there way it’s because of racism. That applies to all races nationwide. They are, to a person crying racism. Gilligan in Florida based his whole campaign on it and so has the fat porker in Georgia.
    The insanity has ticked up several notches.

  4. “Clyburn has not demonstrated any leadership qualities that I am aware of only dissention and turmoil…”

    …causing dissention and turmoil IS considered to be “leadership” in the modern Democrat party, @moochoman. Its the ONLY thing any of them are any GOOD at, and it’s a hell of a lot easier than having good ideas, building a consensus, or doing anything PRODUCTIVE, and more FUN for them, TOO…

    …as to how to pick their boss, you know who rules on the kingdom of the blind…

  5. Could it be that a back room deal is being brokered to preserve Pelosi as Speaker, with 2nd-in-command going to one of the new young bucks (or does) of the party who insist it’s their “turn” to lead?

  6. The old “civil rights” crew (as is every other) is expendable.
    Nihilistic socialism has a firm hand on the Demonrat tiller – and you guys’ racial simple mindedness is no longer necessary (seein as we had a homosexual moslem half-negro President, and all).
    So, get to the back of the bus!
    It’s now time for the Stalin/Hitlerite branch of the Party to come to the forefront. Time to get serious! Take Pelosi and make a pot of coffee.

    Step lively, boy!
    Ain’t got time for no shuckin and jivin!

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Let’s see … only a dog hears a dog whistle (by definition).

    And a dog’s mother is a bitch (by definition).

    Thus, Clyburn is a self-described Son-of-a-Bitch?

    Wow! What a claim to fame!

    izlamo delenda est …


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