Um, it’s November! – IOTW Report

Um, it’s November!

Patriot Retort: So, somebody needs to get a message to Old Man Winter. He isn’t supposed to show up for another month.

Last night we got hammered. Hammered – in November.

It’s freaking November and schools are closed because of snow.

In November!

Sure, on occasion, we get November snow here in Central New York. But it’s usually a dusting that is gone by the next day.

And don’t give me that, “But Dianny! It’s sooooooo pretty!”

Sure it’s pretty … in January!  See more

20 Comments on Um, it’s November!

  1. We’ve had two snowfalls (that have stuck) over 1″ in the KCMO metro so far. It’s crazy! The roads were really slick with the most recent snowfall. I was surprised they didn’t at least dismiss early.

  2. :]

    I guess the grass is always greener but… I miss snow. I haven’t seen it since I was 8.
    And a snowy thanksgiving and christmas time sounds lovely to me.

  3. The weather in AZ told everyone to F off back in October. It went from 70 to 40 in about 2 days. “SCREW YOU ARIZONA!!! I’M HEADED FOR MESIKO!!!”

    It’ll be there until May when it decides to return like Rick James.

    “POW! ITS 90 DEGREES B1TCH!!!”

    Every damn year….

  4. A few years ago I did a little mental add-up and came to the conclusion that my lifetime snow shoveling came to somewhere in excess of 150 feet. Porches, driveways, walkways, sidewalks, street parking places.

    Say what you like about “Florida man” and our general overstock of weird-o characters. WE GOT NO SNOW!!1!1

  5. Kids in New York City arrived home after traffic delays, sliding school buses, and absent city transit – a general goat roping.
    The mayor was nowhere to be found.
    Today, clear, all snow melted, pleasant 40+ degree afternoon.
    The mayor has cancelled all after school meetings and programs.
    WTF ???
    Well, it is Friday.

  6. Better you than us, we have received no snow yet in Eastern Wash. but it’s coming soon. As long as we don’t have a Snowpocalypse like we did 10 years ago when we got 3-4 ft. of snow in a day and a half a week before Christmas. Or the Winter of 68-69 where the deep snow (about 5-6 ft. or more of snow on the ground all Winter that year)it seemingly lasted forever and we had a extreme cold spell where it was well below zero for over a month after Christmas 68 till the end of Jan. 69. I learned to drive that Winter just before I turned 16.

  7. Cold weather usually requires some kind of heat source to keep warm inside, if one has a residence to live in. It costs money to pay for the heat source so a source of money is necessary unless one’s housing is government subsidized. Why pay a global warming carbon tax when it is cold cooling instead? Heating source prices are going up, so what people are being left to suffer in the cold? The poor, the elderly? When will keeping warm in the cold months be taxed, if not already so?

  8. Dianny ~ Um, Spring doesn’t begin here until late May. Which CNY are you living in? LOL… last May (first week) we went down to Gettysburg, and half way there we began to see trees in bud, then when we arrived – leaves, and blossoms and green things EVERYWHERE. When we drove back a week later it was still brown up here.

  9. For God’s sake, Dianny, give yourself a break! Syracuse lies in the path of the Lake Effect snowstorms, right? Get yourself a snow blower. There’s a pretty good one available from Troy Bilt, a NY outfit, for around $500 in the box stores. Admittedly, it’s made in China but it’s simple and pretty good. The model we have here in Nolackaloonies, MT, is the Troy Bilt Squall 21″. We have a long driveway and a traffic circle (we live on a cul de sac) that I clear with it. It has served us well – and you can shoot the snow and pile it up in front of and behind that asshole Ernest’s car next time he gets stuck in front of your place. Look into it and keep your lupus at bay.


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