Mia Love loses lead, Utah House race ‘likely’ to go to Democrat – IOTW Report

Mia Love loses lead, Utah House race ‘likely’ to go to Democrat

Wa Ex: Rep. Mia Love, R-Utah, appears to have lost the lead in her close contest against Democratic opponent Ben McAdams.

Earlier in the day Monday, Love had moved up by about 1,500 votes, leading by 0.58 percent. But with ballots counted from Salt Lake County, she had fallen behind McAdams by 739 votes in the evening.

Reacting to the news, polling guru Nate Silver tweeted FiveThirtyEight would be moving the race to “Likely D” for the time being, noting that “there isn’t really supposed to be a lot left out there to count.”

The race may yet end up within the margin for a mandatory recount, which is .50 percent. The race must be certified by Tuesday.

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15 Comments on Mia Love loses lead, Utah House race ‘likely’ to go to Democrat

  1. Oh, shit! I found some Utah ballots out in my garage right next to those Florida ballots!

    The Colorado, Pennsylvania, and Minnesota ballots weren’t needed so I left em in the back of the pickup.

    Looks like I don’t have to send em up there, now …

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. A challenge of the provisional ballots would likely remove a few thousand McAdams votes. McAdams is the County Mayor of Salt Lake County, which has been run as a Democrat machine for over 30 years. The County Clerk and County Attorney are both Democrat hacks that have never hesitated to use their offices for political gain.

    Utah had a proposition on the ballot to legalize medicinal marijuana (with a provision to decriminalize home grown marijuana for “medicinal use”). That alone would have increased the likelihood of voter fraud.

    Utah Republicans are getting their comeuppance for enthusiastically implementing mail-in balloting a few years ago, and getting greedy in the last redistricting, making 3 of 4 districts competitive, rather than allowing the Democrats one district, which would have still been competitive, leaving the remaining 3 districts solidly Republican. Jim “Buddy” Hansen, the most ethical congressman ever (they certainly set the bar low for themselves), retired over it.


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