Caravan Border Report: “We’re Being Invaded!” – IOTW Report

Caravan Border Report: “We’re Being Invaded!”

From Nov 17, 2018:

Robert “Little Dog” Crooks, Founder of Mountain Minutemen of Tecate, California was live on The Pete Santilli Show and gave a shocking report. Mr. Crooks has over 13 years experience observing, reporting and working with the U.S. Border Patrol on the U.S./Mexico Border.

4 Comments on Caravan Border Report: “We’re Being Invaded!”

  1. At some point the democrats are going to realize that the more illegals that slip through the border the farther their dream of socialized medicine and living wages gets. They’ve spent decades arm twisting for the social services we endure today and it’s collapsing because of burdens placed on it by people who shouldn’t even qualify.
    They’re one gratifying result is that we’ll all lose. True equality.

  2. We can only assume the left has evil intent upon their opposition and they will do anything to get power including stealing elections, creating mayhem, lying, stealing, and eventually killing. Because the left is evil I assume these “migrants” are going to be used as the left’s army and hitmen along with other immigrant merceneries (muslims) and possibly UN troups. If Trump moves against them a hot civil war will be on. I’m waiting for someone like Tucker Carlson to come right out and say that the left are communists and that communism always kills a large part of their opposition until they obey. Maybe this Swalwell asshole will trigger more public faces speaking this truth.


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