Saudi ‘state-sponsored murder’? Bad. Obama state-sponsored murder? No problem. – IOTW Report

Saudi ‘state-sponsored murder’? Bad. Obama state-sponsored murder? No problem.

American Thinker: How dare President Trump “condone” the murder of a Saudi citizen by his government?  The only rational response is to drop Saudi Arabia as an ally, impeach Trump, and re-install the wonderful treaty with Iran, maybe adding a few more pallets of cash in the deal.

These are apparently the objectives behind the massive outrage exploding from the American left, as well as some establishment Republicans in Congress.

Trump’s official statement on the murder of Jamal Khashoggi begins with, “The world is a very dangerous place!” and concludes, “As President of the United States I intend to ensure that, in a very dangerous world, America is pursuing its national interests and vigorously contesting countries that wish to do us harm.  Very simply it is called America First!”  keep reading


7 Comments on Saudi ‘state-sponsored murder’? Bad. Obama state-sponsored murder? No problem.

  1. Why is anyone pretending to GAF about this Khashoggi character, anyway?
    Not an American, not a citizen of the US of A, nothing of the remotest interest to any American.
    So, what’s the back-story? Why is the Press feigning indignation? It’s not simply to try to paint President Trump as a “monster” – they do that all the time to little avail – it’s not an attempt to embarrass the Saudis – they are shameless – so what’s the point?
    Sounds like pretty typical Arab bestiality.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. The journalist was bad news.
    Muslim Brotherhood member and friends with OBL. As an American I couldn’t care less. So if the left loves this guy you know he was bad.

  3. Obozo is responsible for many many deaths. Some from acts of corruption and some from acts of reckless stupidity and some from acts of greed. All with acts of disregard for anyone other than himself. He has alot in common with the Clintons.


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